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Posts posted by DINKY

  1. Any1 got a stream for ac v barca

    Bless in advance

    when are you coming back to ends or are you still hiding? Gunshot ting when we see you. You better never come back you dirty queer kissing guys when they are asleep and trying to blame it on weed. Using this place as your sanctuary because police told you never come back everyone knows you are gay now all the youngers olders we sparyed up your mums front door did she tell you. Never come back

  2. Bare idiots in this thread. Gus should not have to, and does not, represent black people. Whats wrong with you lotAsif a soap is responsible for accurately depicting every minority in this country. Thats part of the problem nowadays, political correctness gone mad, and people taking sh*t too seriously and personal. Where does it stop, are ginger people allowed to write in saying they dont like the say ginger people are being portrayed because Bianca is a wastegash?Are East End gangsters allowed to call in and complain that by Eastenders showing Phil getting bumped by a female and having a bitch for a son they are giving East End gangsters a bad name?
    Saying that still wont get in to stay in masters house TOM
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