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Everything posted by artikz

  1. artikz

    Top 5

    mystery of chessboxingHellz wind staff
  2. dara o'briainthe guy who presents mock of the week
  3. trailer looks cool, but the fact that they ommited half the charaters makes me not want to watch this movie.
  4. artikz

    The Amen Break

    his voice wants me to commit suicide
  5. artikz

    My poor car!

    118 for a hornDaylight robbery
  6. jus got 164top 3 selected
  7. seen.I jus got 169.6top 10.
  8. stubbing your toehurts like a bitch
  9. food poisening symptons.....
  10. I got a story, Me and ma cuzin live across da road from each other and were basically brothers/best friends for 16 years, Then ma parents split, cuz he was on ma dads side and ma dad left, whole family stop chattin. that was about 5 years agoAnd ma cuzin stopped chillin wid me and relationship kinda crumbled. Now i c him loafing about and getting arrested wen i just graduated.jus say hello to him now and then
  11. avatar : ang the airbenderBIG cartoon
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