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About Tee

  • Birthday 12/19/1981

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  1. Tee

    FIFA 20

    basically some old all about FUT everything else gets over looked
  2. show deffo benefited having more eps only watch 6 so far
  3. injured straight away loool
  4. 😂😂🤣🤣 thread got total air
  5. lol its mad raptors are tucking them in think is it should be all over the on game they lost was more down to them missing shots then g=being out played
  6. i lost the app some reason my pass dont work no more on my box & my fone crashed so had to reboot so no app on there kmt
  7. Tee

    Game Of Thrones

    needed more season imo oh well
  8. yea bucks are moving mad warriors dont even look like they missing KD / any of you man paying attention to the draft ? NY stay getting that shit luck no Zion
  9. play off have been sick so far seems like every team is kinda even
  10. Tee

    Game Of Thrones

    deffo should of been more deaths i was hoping the NK would dropped everyone & thats how the show would of ended
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