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Mr. Martinez

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Mr. Martinez last won the day on April 4

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  1. Fuck we had so much jokes. The controversy. The camaraderie. I reckon at peak engagement we could've all literally been in some physical setting and behaved like an actual family. In 2012-2013? Mad. Super interesting, and one of the things in life I feel truly run its proper course. PS - The nikka got me licked
  2. Fuckin ell Goliath. Memories mate. Wham for FACE_OFF!? Hope you and the rest of the avengers are doing well mate.. Mad how internet characters can leave a significant mark on your life Everyone that was here from the beginning. You were part of history. The first examples of primitive digital communities organically coming together, with true ownership and leadership. Big up your chess!
  3. The harder the machine keeps trying to brainwash me with its lies, the more hope I have. But still. It's a big ask.
  4. You can sign up to a bootcamp. There are many in London. Most have 2 models: Pay 5 to 15k and that's that (they usually have finance and split payment options) Do it for free but they get 20% of your pay for a year or something If you want to do it the free way you usually have to be interviewed to get enrolled and have to demonstrate some sort of initial commitment to wanting to become a dev / Another way to get into the industry is by joining a company as a QA. If you're remotely computer savvy and really interested in the industry you could learn everything you need to in less than a month. Fake 1.5 years experience as a QA somewhere else and walk into a 30-45k a year job and learn to code once you're in. You may decide to stay a QA and learn automation. Or move on to the many other jobs that exist within development teams. Shout me if you need any help with any of the above @macz - always happy to help an OG
  5. First load can sometimes be an issue but moves okay after that for me
  6. Is Dame tryna say he a victim in all of this too
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