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Posts posted by Vtec

  1. I think you mistake me for a next poster on this board. 



    @Heero Yuy I don't use or post shit on twitter. Or belong to any political faction or pro black movement or any youtube star. 

    Like I said couple cool white folk get it.. I'd suspect you get it to a degree. Hanging with a couple black friends giving you that insight and some cans of supermalt.

    But I'm guessing it ends swiftly concerning the reality of being a black man or woman isnt all mtv urban music videos. 



  2. 4 minutes ago, Admin. said:

    so ideally for black people (Pro-Black)

    they will live separate lives away from whites with no mixing ESPECIALLY between male and female ?


    That's how most white people live.. And many fight for that setup. Hence brexit and their blarb on multiculturalism. 

    They actually implement this in many towns and villages. 

    When folks of colour talk this talk. White people get afraid. And call it no go zones and Enoch Powell bars get dropped. Tommy Robinson and Co 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, ag. said:

    I get for Caribbean people, because of ur history, (im assuming ur Caribbean from previous posts), that white people are ur arch enemy and the human embodiment of satan etc lol but African people, (the realistic ones), who are recent immigrants to England will not necessarily have the same viewpoints as u because of different history. I dont get why thats hard to understand ??

    White people ain't my enemy. Until its actual armshouse in my face, but that applies to anyone, black, green, brown or red. 

    White supremacy as a system is the enemy and it's poison. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, ag. said:


    Plenty of Africans who talk about the need to acknowledge REAL African diversity... I get why the so called ‘New World Blacks’ are so committed to racial theory, but at some point u lot are gonna have to see sense and accept objective reality.??

    African diversity I get that. 

    I'm also tired of black people, under the western schism. Expecting to find racial nirvana and peace time with Wypippo, within Wypippo racial constructs they created... 

    Time to abandon and stop seeking affirmation, treats, concessions when it's clear as day where they stand as a nation and empire state of mind. 

    The couple of cool white dudes who get it. Are not representive of the UK and European and white global hegemony as a whole. 

  5. 36 minutes ago, Badman said:


    The sooner civilisation can progress past such primitive social constructs like race and colour the better imo 

    The thing is this is propagated by wypipo, its their construct. 

    The moment black folk engage dialogue in these lines. The retort from Wypippo is default stock response... "Hey race is just a construct" "I see no colour", "you're playing the race card" "why can't i say nigga" "where all African too" 

    Equally, they deeply vested in political schisms such as brexit to keep control of foreign people and eject out of England and Europe... Equally in USA its make america great and burning crosses and so on. 


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  6. What is black tho? Carribbeans for the most part had to adapt to a new situation. Food we call culture today was adapted out of being creative with available resources during struggles. If some of that fused with Indian traders so be it... Every culture has been borrowing and stealing or adapting too since day. Some steal more than others. 

    African cuisine differs but has many similarities.. But what is the quote on quote black food? 

    What is black? In its basic form easy answer.. But Africa is diverse east to west, north to south. (black today is assumed by UK and American standard via descendants of slavery) 

    Fast forward to today, many Asians and whites adopt a certain vocal vernacular to emulate behaviour what they think it is to be black. Eg various ebonics and what mtv feeds them. "urban curated image of black" created by non black folks. 

    And why is it more people non black.. Want to be be "black" from body features, skin tans, fashion, cool etc, sexual prowess.. Megan wanting brown babies etc. Sexual fetishism 

  7. 3 hours ago, Kompressor said:

    question of whether Trump cares about black people yet?. 

    This question and seeking of care has gotta stop. Too many black folks want that hug and acceptance from racists. 

    Not everyone has to be friend or accept you. Stand in your own power.. Hold your own nuts and build your own. 

    • Upvote 3
  8. 20 minutes ago, JOHN DOE said:

    feminism is what allowed( for use of a better word for all the feminists)  her to get to the position where she is earning good money 

    most women would agree that the general qualities they look for in a man its to provide and protect 

    how can  a man provide when you earn triple then he does 

    i do feel sorry for women in this position - victim of their own successes 

    It can work, Eg guy at my work place. His wife works as a director 3-4 xtimes higher salary grade than he is. 

    Have kids and all that. Clearly she don't belittle or stunt on him. Eg more money equating to bragging rights. He drives her company car into work. 

    She is being a woman and not trying to challenge him on an alpha male level. He protects his household and her on a primary basic man level. But together they work as team to get the funds in look after their family. 

    Socially it's expected to be more acceptable the other way round. But they buck the trend. 

    The problem comes when some women get up there in the success ladder and settings surrounding associated as white men in suits making alpha power moves with money. They absorb that energy and any would be suitor is turned off by a woman emitting alpha males vibes and she acting predatory like a man. 

    Alpha & alpha = male & male = no

    Natural law again corrupted by money and its power and influence associated with male power dominance. 

    Even a woman without a high fly career and money. Acting alpha is a turn off to any normal functioning male. 


  9. Male dominant society is a European construct and mirrors the arbahamic faith system which is based on male patriarch worship. 

    Original societies before this corruption, where matriarchal led societies, as woman can only bear and create life into the world. But males complete the balance as both need each other.

    Male protect, female nurture and bring new life. 

    If you ever get a chance to read iceman inheritance. This breaks it down hard as to way their societies cannot function balance with females. Women in the European model are property. 

    Feminism is the extreme counter to try overturn masculine led society and its causing a massive mess as women try to be men on the European social construct model. And now men try to be women. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. Feminism coined and created by a Marxist white man Charles Fourier. 

    "Fun etymological fact about feminism: a dude coined the term.*

    In 1837, radical French philosopher Charles Fourier invented feminisme in writing about the indelible link between women's status and social progress ("Liberty, unless enjoyed by all, is unreal and illusory. . ." he wrote). But a true feminist Fourier was not. Though he thought 19th-century women were treated like chattel, he stopped short of rallying for complete gender equality since it didn't jive with sex differences he observed

     It was during the 1890s that "feminism" in the sense of women-led activism for equality became a common term, migrating from France and entering the English language as early as October 1894 in a London newspaper article."


    The feminism we know today was originally the white woman's battle with white men in his whiteman world and various European liberation Marxist movements. 

    The hyperbolic 5.0 version we have today. Was a result of joint cointelpro to dismantle the black civil rights movements such as black panthers in the 70s inyroopit black women against black men who dominated the leadership of the movement To destroy unity. 

    Now its an ugly monster trying to tell women to be men and vice versa. And gender confusion 

    Rather than respect natural law and balance and let men be men and women be women. European corruption of natural law of nature. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 7 hours ago, dub said:

    Nike is big enough to know who needs to be paid for influence. Republicans are more for sale than Democrats. Not defending them, you can just trust that they ultimately have their own interests as priority.


    Is Colin Kaepernick’s Nike deal activism – or just capitalism?


    Capitalism all the way. America is a corporation. 

    Everything and everyone is for sale. Including "standing for rights" and he sold out and is an asset and now brand ambassador for Nike, in the guise of afro dasihki wearing and fist raise salutes. 

    As the article goes it even quotes Gil Scott-Heron. The revolution will not be televised or brought to you by coke or Xerox. 

    And this case Nike. The NFL is a big partner with Nike and viewership of NFL games where dropping kaepernick was already a below standard player was benched and receiving pay before he started acting woke. 

    Instigated by his industry influencial mtv host girlfriend Ness nitty 

    NFL and Nike are strong advocates for the Republican seats of power. And both have increased market share value and viewership thanks to this. 
  12. 2 hours ago, Grafter said:


    When is the gas gonna stop

    Theres just more west afs here now. So now you have more of a range of people

    When it was Jamaicans, badness is just our culture

    Now its olu etc, we gta sit down an make analysis


    Badness wasn't and isn't our culture. But it has been progressively cultivated to that output. 

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