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Posts posted by Vtec

  1. 2 minutes ago, Elementalism said:

    This is one of the best posts I've seen in a while, really enjoyed reading it and I agree fully.

    I attempted to give my guy a summary, but you've smashed it. The timeline was a good way of explaining it.

    Just trying bro 

  2. 1 hour ago, Realone2016 said:

    Some break down definately happended recently within the west african family structure not sure if anyone on here can shed a bit of light on the shift of paradigm?

    No femi or olu would be running around reckless like this in the 90s or early 2000s was unheard of tbh

    In the 60s 70s carribbeans, normal citizens trying to get by and had decent enough jobs and bought houses. 

    Late 60s early 70s immigration laws setup by England for fear of colour take over. 

    80s 1st gen UK borns to carrib parents and the integration into a society that don't like you. 

    80s and early 90s crews where set up to unite against a common enemy police and skinheads 

    Mid to late 90s 1st wave Ghanaians Nigerians on mass immigration to England. Who where calm. 

    90s UK government hand in hand with usa seeding drugs into the black community to disrupt unity. Crews of old now start warring each other for turf spots. Instead of skinheads, who now fall back into society who would be your future employers etc. 

    Add second wave immigration from Caribbean bringing over the individuals who had no value add compared to Windrush educated doctors and nurses etc And lower education standard to their fore runners. They setup shop aka got called the yardies and started running the streets from their UK born counterparts up to 2000s

    Violence erupted as new levels of Savage introduced from these 2nd wave incomers. Guns flood in from mainland Europe. And retaliation from the late 70s and early 80s uk born babies to gain edge of these lot. 

    2000s war! The gun era 

    Mid to late 2000s children of the 90s African immigration wave now come of age and now to fit in UK landscape of racism, 1st, 2nd gen UK born caribs and 2nd generation wave caribs running and warring on road. Now need to carve their pecking order. And more aff names start appearing on crime sheets. 

    Fast forward to today a hot mess. And now a political football to be booted about for things like brexit and rise of the far right. Who have nothing to fear as we in fight each other and fail to see the walls closing in. 

    Interject the rest of the isms and backdrops like feminism, sports and music for each era to fill in the gaps and immigration from other countries. Family law changes Eg children can't be disciplined and can have parents arrested etc. 

    Apologies this is just my quick summary. 

    • Like 3
  3. Loosing our rag has achieved nothing to date. Other then.. See we told you they are violent and maintains their stance everytime. 

    Where is the strategic and united plan to take control? And get the respect you think you are owed? 

    We more than overstand the details at play here. 

    Engaging these pigs and various pale day walkers is a dense and wasted exercise to see you as equal par. 

    But everyman wants to go off on one in heightened emotion and falling for their bait out tactics. When are we going to peep game and wise up? If you know they tryna bait you out why keep falling for it? 

    At which point do you concede you can't win that way? And figure out United wins? And not against own. 

    We play tic tac toe, they play chess.

  4. @SLEAZE BALLIf you read into that take as a yes massa flex. That's on you and no send either. Jus discussion here. 

    I'm simply not rating this dudes handling of a police stop. Equally if that was mandem g checkin on road, his behaviour would have got himself stabbed up. 

    As black men we are the threat just by existing. Why you giving these power crazed fools more ammo about your rights like they give a fuck. We ain't colin kaepernick now having Nike a corporate system giant sponsor your revolutionary cause. (lols) 

    If you're/we are about rights best start writing letters and forming an alliance and get your money up as a community and hold leverage with elected councillors and mps from the bits to rep your rights. Get people that look like us in them mp seats. Just as Asians do, economic power drives local and eventually national policy. (no Nike sponsoring Asians even tho they face discrimination in relative portion, they still can hold rank economically off their own back) 

    Police only exist to protect business and the Crown not your rights. 

    Screaming and marching for rights is a mugs game. Lgbt got more rights than a black man. How? By money they lobby government and influence it. 

    We on the bottom of the ladder screaming for equality on insta and memes and approval and hugs from Wypippo. But can't hold shit down in a piss up.

    Just loud mouths with zero plan of action unable to take self critical assessment of failures and defeat and keep falling into the trap system. Then scream bun babylon, but screaming chef a man a trap trap plug plug against your brother. 



    • Upvote 3
  5. If that's the mould of letting nuts hang. Im worried for the state of men period. 

    This is why this "young" spray got what he got. He brought all that smoke on himself. Like a young teenage female. 

    Same way some of these mandem gettin checked by police on road. They know how wind up emotional feminine men. Hyper masculinity to compensate for the natural bitch state of mind. 

    Unable to use discernment and logical rational thinking. Just straight rah rah look at me I'm a victim and now I'm gonna go super hood on you. 

    Then when they actually get that work from the feds or next man on the road. (it's the usual script and no culpability for own actions) 

    Still throughout this. Police are a piece of shit. As regular peeps without provacation get caught up in the mix. And alleged big grown men doing way too much. 

    Imagine that's some kids dad. 


    • Upvote 2
    • Like 2
  6. I understand that. 

    The only logical way I can process his particular overly femme energy based reaction. Is he beat someone in the act of self defence like a burglar or car jack attempt etc. And police come heavy mobb on you tho they where called to sort of the actual offender of crime. All that screaming and that extra ish for the gram. I'd understand his reaction if he was being beat Rodney King style

    I've been pulled over, and simply laughed at the cop cos he could not explain for no good reason why he needed too, other than why are you in this area? I didn't realise apartheid was in operation round here.. And drove off manhood intact. 

  7. 9 hours ago, yhfam said:


    a lot of these man need to seriously grow up

    His reaction.. Pathetic. No need imagine if held at gunpoint by the same officers. Or police boot on his neck. All that bass would seriously be reduced. 

    And certain guys wonder how precedence gets set for hard handling police seeing this emotional wreck releasing more estrogen than a female. But trapped in a male body. 

    This guy is on par with any uncle Tom. Detrimental to black men in the wider context. 


  8. 53 minutes ago, Badman said:



    Now I dont get this part. How can 'sexism' be relevant in a contest between two women. 

    It's all part of Nike sponsored activism/revolution movement running tandem with kaepernick, lebron etc. Serena heading the feminist part. 

    Gil Heron Scott - "The revolution will not be televised."

    You will not be able to stay home, brother
    You will not be able to plug in, turn on and drop out
    You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip
    Skip out for beer during commercials
    Because the revolution will not be televised
    The revolution will not be televised
    The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
    In 4 parts without commercial interruption
    The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
    Blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John Mitchell
    General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
    Hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary
    The revolution will not be televised
    The revolution will be brought to you by the Schaefer Award Theatre and
    will not star Natalie Wood and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
    The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal
    The revolution will not get rid of the nubs
    The revolution will not make you look five pounds
    Thinner, because The revolution will not be televised, Brother
    There will be no pictures of you and Willie Mays
    Pushing that cart down the block on the dead run
    Or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance
    NBC will not predict the winner at 8:32or the count from 29 districts
    The revolution will not be televised
    There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
    Brothers in the instant replay
    There will be no pictures of young being 
    Run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process
    There will be no slow motion or still life of 
    Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in a red, black and
    Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
    For just the right occasion
    Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and 
    Hooterville Junction will no longer be so damned relevant
    and Women will not care if d*ck finally gets down with
    Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people
    will be in the street looking for a brighter day
    The revolution will not be televised
    There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock News
    and no pictures of hairy armed women Liberationists and 
    Jackie Onassis blowing her nose
    The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb, Francis Scott Key
    nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash
    Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth
    The revolution will not be televised
    The revolution will not be right back after a message 
    About a whitetornado, white lightning, or white people
    You will not have to worry about a germ on your Bedroom
    a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl
    The revolution will not go better with Coke
    The revolution will not fight the germs that cause bad breath
    The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat
    The revolution will not be televised
    WILL not be televised, WILL NOT BE TELEVISED
    The revolution will be no re-run brothers
    The revolution will be live
    • Downvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Drift said:

    Human beings will always be drawn to and be intrigued by brutality and violence. 

    There's a reason people would flock to the coliseum, why action movies are so popular, why people pick up controllers and simulate murdering their fellow man. These discussions are an extension of that.

    Sports are a good release for all this primitive malice. Most man that don't follow/play sports are off.

    Rome never fell. 


    Sports, Drugs and entertainment. Win the crowd win Rome. Gladiator arena is now social media. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. Semitic (adj.)

    1797, denoting the language group that includes Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, etc.; 1826 as "of or pertaining to Semites," from Medieval Latin Semiticus (source of Spanish semitico, French semitique, German semitisch), from Semita (see Semite). As a noun, as the name of a linguistic family, from 1813. In non-linguistic use, perhaps directly from German semitisch. In recent use often with the specific sense "Jewish," but not historically so limited.

    Interesting as an adjective.. Latin semiticus derive of french/Spanish and German.. 


    • Upvote 2
  11. Semite (n.)

    1847, "a Jew, Arab, Assyrian, or Aramaean" (an apparently isolated use from 1797 refers to the Semitic language group), back-formation from Semitic or else from French Sémite (1845), from Modern Latin Semita, from Late Latin Sem "Shem," one of the three sons of Noah (Genesis x.21-30), regarded as the ancestor of the Semites (in old Bible-based anthropology), from Hebrew Shem. In modern sense said to have been first used by German historian August Schlözer in 1781.

    Semite as a word first recorded by another European German. 1781

  12. anti-Semitism (n.)

    also antisemitism, 1881, from German Antisemitismus, first used by Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904) German radical, nationalist and race-agitator, who founded the Antisemiten-Liga in 1879; see anti- + Semite

    A word invented by a European German.. The irony. 1881 lols. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, JOHN DOE said:

    Bro the job ain’t finished yet relax. 


    Of course contractual agreements to Nike come 1st... You really think Nike are going to let a cash cow go at the government and cops like that. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Thizz said:


    some advert 

    So his protest was allegedly and originally in vain for black men & women being slayed by crooked cops. 

    Now the narrative is inclusiveness and no limits for sports.


  15. Never had any particular qualm with you per say on this board as most subject views we seem to have a general mutual understanding/opinion. 

    However, you seem to have caught feelings here and now bitching over my opinion and viewpoint. Either provide some enlightenment on the situation for objective discussion or stfu. 


    • Downvote 1
  16. 21 minutes ago, Afroman said:

    Did black folk give Nike the cool factor?

    Genuine question..

    Good question... 

    But it's the defo the selling factor Eg cool.

    I think we unconsciously influence to endorse it. Eg Jordan effect, mtv, hip hop vids etc... Pushed out as these became main staple of the mtv generation. Nike been working hard either way to make it synonymously cool brand amongst black American and UK black culture. 

    This is why brands now pay top dollar to brand ambassadors. The ability to influence and affect unconscious bias and emotional connection. 

    They don't need to do too much now. But just enough now to keep emotional tie in or align with current trends Eg the online social warrior Eg black twitter and so on. 

  17. 2 hours ago, TheOneGameBaller said:

    Was it Chappelle or someone else who talked about If Martin Luther King Jnr’s marches was sponsored by Nike?

    Boy, real life is stranger than fiction.

    I’m 100% behind what Colin is doing but I’m always skeptical when major corporations co-opt activists/movements.

    I guess they want to be on the right side of history. 


    "That's why I don't have a sneaker deal. 'Cause if you say something people don't like they take your fuckin' shoes off. If Martin Luther King had a sneaker deal, we'd still be on the back of the bus. It's true, the Nike execs would come up like "Hi, Martin. Uh...we need you to tone down the civil rights talk and the stuff about black people being humans. It's upsetting our Southern distributors." 

    By this logic kap is maintaining the victim mindset and just enough to not rock the boat into full scale revolt and keep the cyclical protest gestures going.

    Keeping massa pockets lined. Triggering a few Republican heads, and to liberals he is a hero to keep them marching in fresh Nikes. 

  18. Nike owes its success to black peeps/the cool factor/urban chic/sports domination/ and now the activist woke angle 

    We subscribe to their brand more than any trump supporter wearing sketchers. Nothing to lose there and only gain for Nike. 

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