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Posts posted by Vtec
20 minutes ago, Natty said:
I agree with this as well can't be getting fetished by your girl and the worst thing is you can tell quick when a white girl is like that and guys still continue with it and act like they can't see it
Exactly some of these man have had negative experiences with a few black women and then along comes average hannah putting you, your skin and your d*ck on a pedestal worshipping you.
Marcus gonna feel like the fuckn man. Gassed on next levels. Meanwhile her dad and in laws are hating on Marcus and plotting for relationship fail.
Equally manjit sneaks in a black guy. Her pops and bros find out. Both of them are facing death.
Turn on the TV and every other advert is an interracial white and black family. Mainly headed by a patriarch white male figure. Or latest natwest vid black girl being married off to her Tim. And then to top off Walked down the aisle by her mom. Rather than her dad.
Couple of pro black posters on social media ain't got shit on the media machine and the subversive emotional plants they do on the masses. Injecting ideologies.
1 minute ago, time_bomb said:
I think the nail has been hit on the head. I dont really have an issue if two different races fall in love, it happens. It's these tacky white girls (and other races at times) who behave a certain way and have this whole 'i only go for black guys' thing, and a black guy laps it up, its just embarrassing for both parties tbh.
Nah, (If I was with a Becky, and I get in a jam a work etc, she wouldnt understand the nuances of how this systematic racism works. Her basic level is racism is just being called a nigger), Whats understood don't need to be explained.
This why I can only date black women. Preservation of my culture and roots and for my kids to look like me.
Every other race of peeps including wypipo themselves understand this and have no qualms stating it. Blax seem to be only ones buying into this we one mentality and sex and love will wash over the problems of systematic racism constructed by wypippo and them smallhat mandem.
And when you as a black man or woman stand for preservation of own, we get attacked for being racist or some pro black militant agenda. Along with various other rainbow agencies calling victimhood at the cry of hetrosexual black couples being promoted or proudly represented.
In the mixed dating game, blacks are a commodity.
Material gain, fetish gain.
vice versa, whites are the winning golden ticket for certain black folks.
Yeah people can date whoever they like, thats not the issue.
From when websites like below specficially targeting interracial relationship dating, speaks volumes.
"Welcome to InterracialCupid.com, the only interracial dating and personals site that brings together singles in search of black white dating and relationships. We have a large database of personal ads from black singles seeking white singles for dating, love, marriage or friendship. Meeting singles outside your race has never been easier!
At InterracialCupid.com you will find:
Black women seeking white men
Interracial pics, Interracial photos & an Interracial gallery
White Man and Black Woman Love
Black white dating is our specialty, get started today and find you interracial match!"
SMH specifically targeting white and black peeps, no other races yeah..... wow (what happened to the united colours of benetton approach?)
fetish much.
Everyone/society who subscribes/educated/dominated/ruled/conquered by these British elite and European elite concepts of classification.
Looks like the NWO one world order was completed long time before these new fanatics took hold of the concept in more recent times via social media.
I can bring this forward to present time quite easily.
USA, UK Israel Russia (European) currently the most violent and pathologic nations where it. Concerns killing citizens daily home or abroad... In the name of democracy or intellectual violence etc.
Sitting on the world's most powerful world ending bombs n shit.
They will kill at will listening to Celine Dione or mozart. So please link me to where music perpetuates killing?
As for the UK blacks and USA. Music industry is not ran by us, record labels not run by us. The social and economic status of us as a whole is continually stunted in a systematic way.
Weapons drugs we produce non of.. But somehow become poster child for a dark shady underworld ran by everyone else. Running straight up to the doors of power in Westminster and white House etc
So very easy for this narrative to be constructed of black on black crime and trapstar vids to be convinient blame. When we have zero power in these industries perpetuating this image.
What music do you think European colonisers where bumping when they where slaughtering aboriginals from America to Australia and Africa wherever their boats landed?
Ye olde trapeth music?
Scarface the movie has done more influencing on society than any hip hop vid. Most wannabe's wanna emulate Tony Montana
Hollywood is more influencial than any music vid.
The population of Europeans, today have a higher proportion of harmful genetic mutations.
Keyword "mutation" aka recessive not aboriginal. More akin to alien.
And that's a basic Google search and 1st result.. Not my findings and I'm no scientist.
(line up for your tears serving)
(resumes popcorn)
Adding onto @Incumbent post. (US audience in the 1st instance, but applicable globally)
Until blacks stop seeking solutions and hand outs from your natural oppressor and not taking charge of some of internal self defeating behaviours...
Getting out of the victim mode, and seeking justice from an injust system and create your/our own lane. But always important to educate on the systemactic aspects to see what type of beast you are up against.
And escaping the trap that keeps you suckled on massa nipple and beggin hugs/acceptance from a society at large which ain't got your interests at heart.
Long but worth it and interesting, then watch part 2 & 3.
37 minutes ago, dub said:
you're asking a gay men's health charity to make adverts for heterosexual black couples?
But batts people expect representation in just about every content they see going on.
Meanwhile batts and have their own dedicated gay clubs and gay zones in most major cities etc soho, Brum gay village, lgbt parade days, magazines, and very very strong political muscle and so on.
But still fight for equality...? Where are the straight pride celebration days? Where are the magazines screaming straight only? Where are the mobs of fanatics trying to kill them all, to feel so persecuted?
All this power they flex and still have the nerve to seek attachment specifically with the systematic racial issue that blacks face globally on the grounds of skin colour... And especially black men as the poster boy of gay shit.
I don't see this brazen effort from them targeting any other grouping of people.
Right now they trying to establish major footholds in Africa. Give it time Lgbt rights ads will replace the famine and aid ads for poor areas of aff soon.
This should serve a reminder for folks of hue to stop seeking acceptance from your natural oppressor and even the stop checks in this system that don't punish accordingly.
That decision ruling should a sounding alarm on what time it is.
Did they really expect fairness?
This is because the powers that be that rule society via the white supremacy complex. Overstand they are the global ethnic minority, their rhetoric has everyone fooled minority means anyone brown/black in colour to be of lesser value and must be held to western standard.
When reality people of colour clearly hold genetic superiority and outnumber on this planet in crazy numbers. This is refinforced by the creation of english/european languages at their root core. Like the actual etymology of say white = pure/clean/righteous & black = dirty/dangerous etc.
The more subsets of dimwits falling for this grants them power behind a wall of ignorance. Then you try to enter dialouge with a dimwit about them being played via white supremacy/privilege and how that works. Auto blinders roll down and feed back into the aforementioned complex. (this is not exclusive to dimwits too, high educated toffs believe in it too along with articulate race baiter plants like Tommy)
Refoinforced by the European languages itself/Reglion/nationalism/and any other european created ism within the last few century's. The history books and education system is all geared towards maintaining that veil of supreme/conquer mentality. Thats why they are always at war, to ensure they not overun by nature.
So yes constant fear with their women, as the woman is the giver of life, if she carrying for a person of colour she is spoilt goods and trash. Why you think god/creator is depicted as a man in their holy books? all them scriptures judaism/christanity/islam depict women as property and can be beat/killed if they dont conform.
Shits real for them.
The level of detail in the cartoon expression. Is clearly marking a fetish/perversion to see this happen and also stoke emotional of feeling of save our daughters aka fight a war with everyone else, but the actual system itself. Divider & Conquer 101
It happens daily in the porn industry Big Black male stud hammering out a small white woman. To subconciously drive that core hate/jealousy and systematic racism narrative to the hearts of wypippo males.
And was the source of propaganda, during the early TV/Movie era, fear of the black men taking their white women aka King Kong... That film Greenmile touched on it too.
Hate everyone else but the system this is all pinned on dividing you for lols.
10 minutes ago, Admin. said:
The whites of SA been there longer then the blacks of SA tho ?
nah.. Sans people and Bantu tribes since forever,. 1st European contact was the portugese 1400's, then dutch 17th Century and British in the early 1800s.
South Africa as a state was created by wypippo... by that grey area yeah they created a white state 1st. A white created state... and set about creating aparthied systems, but exploit black labour graft.
Now that people of the land want to take back rightfully.. it's "Liberal tears" hey where in this together talk...
Pos ^
Sounds like certain peeps need a re-education on the Boers, Cecil Rhodes and the 1800's Scramble for Africa period.
oh well, i'll leave for whom it applies too.
this book title sums him up
llow him, some just have that natural stockholm syndrome. Identify the fraff chop em off and continue to build without these house nuccas.
Yeah I don't agree with how salary thing works out there.. My tour guide during part of trip. Said she makes more money doing guides and she's a qualified teacher.
But they have a better social structure and next to no crime, no obvious racism cos everyone is in the same boat. Oh yeah can't criticise the government openly.
But that said I agree stagnates various things. But how far to you go to strike a happy medium retaining what I saw as special to that country. And not turn into a sess pit of greed and western style poverty.
53 minutes ago, Heero Yuy said:
The freedom that allowed you to travel to Cuba and experience if for yourself lol.
which authority did you have to ask to leave the uk?
Non, and this freedom of travel wasn't my fight. I'm UK born, I get it by default proxy of the old english emprie ruling the glorious waves. My grandparents and parents where invited over here as they where already subjects of the crown through colonial rule on an island next to Cuba
Fringe legacy benefits of the colonial (go anywhere I please and takeover package)... take advantage I guess.
26 minutes ago, Heero Yuy said:
While you’re on the subject of Cuba why not discuss about the younger generation feeling stifled by the lack of opportunity, progress and openness about Cuba. Why are many of them trying to leave, why aren’t they allowed to leave the island without permission, why are they not allowed to return home if they stay away too long. The younger generation of Cubans do not reflect the sentiments that your expressing.
I spoke with some of the youngers there. Imagine... you work in the hotels, work in Havana, or you are a doctor.... you earn the same wage! Combine their now exposure to the outside world via internet which is only just being rolled out over there, so now they see the Nikes, Beemas, celebs and what they percieve to be the life.... (when in reality it is isn't)
Then add you see western tourists (non USA, as they are not allowed in "YET") the money the tourists are spending, is like a years salary on a gift or meal... (add this complex to the above) the desire for material gain and wealth bug of captialism has them tranced... and wanting to leave). Massive cruise ships pulling into Havana Bay... working hard for tips..
Some of them where hanging hopes that Obama was going to lift sancations. Trump wont as he knows his elect force will see a flood of cubans rushing for immigration status, to seek what they percieve riches bound. (you and I know, thats a myth, and usually turn onto some crud movements to get it)
They can leave the island no problem, they just cant return! so imagine your family and friends and your house.. and possessions. In cuba if you leave, you are allowed to sell up and go, but cannot come back.. eg with your new wealth and upset socialistic financial balance... working over there.
Cuba remains undeveloped only by way of US embargo, but china and russia and canada are traders and some US restrictions are being eased.
The youth are seeking the mess, of what is called modern western and upscaled society... (and is anything but that) and the youth have no experience or insight to see the bigger picture.
When that social pressure builds up into a poltical agenda.. capitalists coprs are circling like vultures to pounce on CUBA when all embargos are lifted and which ever puppet leader bends over to Uncle Sam. And all the youth will drain out the country into USA. And Cuba becomes a playground for rich Americans again.. full of KFC's MCd's and tacky shit. and real poverty will be evident.
Which is what Castro was booting out.
Cause and Solutions to Rise in Recent Violent Crime
in Whatever
Facts. They know who the gangs are, and who supply the drugs and weapons on the high end distribution end too.
Politicians will let and exploit social discord and blood spill for gain and approval of masses at large. (think of Rome, the gladiator pit, thumbs up - spare or thumbs down - kill. Which ever decision serves to win the crowd aka win Rome)
Why only raid now? clearly they had intel from way back whenever, but now it serves handy for the cameras and after blood is let. Cue some defence minister walking round the bits in a stab proof vest followed by the press.
Introduce further deadend social and educational reforms, rinse and repeat, keep the privatised prison and probation sector topped up.
Add on the other diagnosed problems contributing cause and effect.
"Ordo Ab Chao"