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Posts posted by Vtec
Restoring the essence
7 minutes ago, Afroman said:
Who exactly is the media?
When it suits him. Its the fake media, likewise it's real media when it suits him.
But ironically he got this latest post of information from the media..
1 minute ago, cambridgebanteer said:
Because I want to bring my family members in this country to breed your future daughters and give u nescafe skin grandchildren and youre lot are preventing me from doing so
LOL... guys like him are hoping for a repeat resurgence of the Crusades.
Identity Politics
noun: identity politics
a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.
Neither, no preacher, not above anyone else, i'm just a normal guy. The system needs to be broke. Me one I can't change it alone, ive still gotta pay my tax to live... but the game is rigged. Do I have to form faction play the game and align to either dogma... No.
Can I do my best to get others to see the trap (without being preachy)? yes
I've just stepped back and observed the game to the best of my ability and refuse to be drawn into sides.
And not anarchy and whatever antifa equivalent you can think of.
If everyone stopped paying tax tomorrow what could they do?
1 hour ago, Gambino said:
Surprise Surprise, look who is splashed over all the news sites today ( Right and Left Leaning ). George Soros is funding a group to help stop Brexit happening.
Synthesis Plan = Power bankers and influencers like Soros want to ensure ultimate global control and create the following thesis knowing the predicated emotional reactions based on the so called value systems of the sheeple under the banner of national Identity/britishness etc...
Created Thesis = Brexit Leave - Triggered on Emotion, nationalism, Patriotism, Bigoted mindframe (dashed in a sprinkle of immigrant issues - easy win)
Predicted Antithesis = Secure a good deal and be "strong and stable", repeated bot talk from political puppets. (who are bitch to the small hat men) Lots of fraff talk as reality of such a move is stupid eg cutting nose to spite face. Public loss of confidence and faith in so called leaders and begin to lose hope and say fuck it... just remain and hold the L's
New Synthesis achieved = Power bankers and influncers like Soros, laugh their heads off and continue sail above you and get their way. As "remain" holds fast and you still remain the bitch to the small hat men in a tighter grip hold and up your taxes. (you just got played)
Rinse and repeat.
45 minutes ago, Gambino said:
That's why I was first in here to like the post and thought I'd sit back with my feet up watching those who said DNA evidence of Egyptians being European was bullshit but suddenly see this as a holy grail lol.
Everyone posting my name as well like I'd be upset at these findings lol
"The average European would quickly die from UV exposure working the fields of Egypt, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkadia, Assyria, Babylonia), Arabia, etc: bare-chested as the ancient art indicates. But it doesn't matter, in their delusion European Albinos sincerely believe that they are old, and not Albinos. Therefore it is illuminating when we see that the old guard of Albino historical scientists were not so crazy, they actually admitted that the original founders of mans cultures and civilizations were Africans."
When you are the foreign invader, and realise you are inferior and the true global minority this is the norm practice. And boof Racism is born.
Mr Darwin was financed heavily to produce his material to explain away and justify whites into the superior legacy league of beings and founders of civilisation.
There was no evolution to wypippo. Only genectic recession, albinos and inbreeding and mating with now extinct neanderthals.
Listening to LBC now. Wow the tears really are real....
44 minutes ago, ag. said:
Always thought they had lost the melanin by the time their ancestors got here
47 minutes ago, JOHN DOE said:
get out of our country
Dey took er jerbs
Suss... in light of the hollywood Weinsten figures and more. This wave of feminism 3.0 / female empowerment and various hashtag movmenets like the #METOO movment. She is now in a safe space to cash in/speak out and further drives this reform happening in the media of women needing to be equal to a man in everyway possible. Otherwise outside of this latest movement, to speak ill of 2pac so brazen would have been unheard of. Given his prophetic image in hip hop.
BBC are at it with high profile Male presenters, taking pay cuts to level onto womens wages in the org.
F1 banning the use of women parading on the start grid.
The recent Grammys all supporting this major feminist movement wave etc.
Filters out to regular folks, where women will be calling rape for a man trying to chat up a woman in the street or bar and more.
More slut and ho walks for Amber Rose types....
Further dividing men and women. Creating social divides and stresses in the so called nuclear family. Where men are the naturally physical protector of his unit and women are the nuturer and child bearer of her unit and support to her man. These new feminist and transgender drives (ironically controlled by higher level society males) seeks to destroy unity in everyway possible. ORDO AB CHAO = ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.
21 hours ago, Gambino said:
Yep you know every story that drops negatively about Trump but don't know about this story. Nevermind, Gambo's here to enlighten you again. You're welcome.
Strzok and Lisa Page text messages in the FBI. Those on the Clinton corruption investigation and Trump Russia investigation.
Talking about how much they hated Trump and showing political bias in their messages.
Strzok scrubbed language like "Grossly Negligent" out of the Clinton case to protect her from any lawsuits.
They talked about knowing she was gonna be let off with her crimes before Comey had even interviewed Hilary.
They spoke about there being a secret society inside the FBI.
They spoke about not wanting to piss Hilary off because they thought she would become President.
They spoke about being on the Russian Collusion investigation and how they thought there was nothing in the story.
They implicated the deputy FBI Director in their texts too, he was due to retire in March but has been removed from his post already since the new FBI Director went to congress and read the FISA Memo, which has been voted to be released this week that supposedly indicates who paid for the Trump Dossier ( Which we already know ) and alleges surveillance abuse by the Obama Administration to Spy on Trump.
With your time served at her majesty's pleasure, or polish sweatshop you still ain't grasped insight? into the game being ran?
Lol you still think we are Hilary/Clinton and Obama worshippers etc. Every single one of them are no good, down to the so called founding fathers (teefing european migrants with a superiority complex). Biden, whoever he is fuck him too.
This is just all noise, USA is a corporation of Europe, with flashy weapons to bully anyone not on the same wave. All the alphabet agencies, founded by previous US presidents, who say they are here for the people. Russia this and that. They are all europeans a big ass brotherhood, selling fear to the little people.
Trump said this, trump said that, trump dealt with russians.. who cares! only persons reporting the apparent liberal tears, are the liberal media themselves BBC and Co. Along with all the right wing aligined media houses. The whole thing is fake news, they only care about triggering emotions of joe public, gaining free EX meter like Street fighter to continue to take the piss out your life in taxation so they can live lavish.
4 hours ago, Seydou said:
Any insta?
This be her.. The uncle in background tho... Lol
Yeh always promoting this plant based vegan lifestyle and not needing meat. Meanwhile to get to levels in the first place he was a meat eater.
Comparisons now are jokes as he withers mass away.
Selling young impressionable men false dreams. Whilst on the other hand making simpish posts appealing to female audiences abusing fruit and various feminism angled posts and loving dark skin women posts but only dating the lighties.
Hotep Hustler
Liberal/ Feminist Plant/
Was backing Jeremy Corbyn not so long ago for office and part of the Colin Kapernick Liberal fake woke agenda in the states too vs the NFL #Hereforthepeople shite.He's closely linked to Jew lad Ben Stiller too, who backs him to travel around the world https://www.thestillerfoundation.org/single-post/2017/03/18/LoveArmyForSomalia
But Chaka made posts as if it was his sole project. Colin Kap was invovled in this too. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18942735/colin-kaepernick-helps-get-airplane-aid-somalia-food-water
37 minutes ago, Admin. said:
We can also look at secluded rural groups today who dont have a religion and their lack of technological advances to add on to animals etc... its a guess but far from a baseless one.
Just look at step 1 of our many steps to get to where we are today and one of the most important ones @ag. The phonetic alphabet comes from priests in the middle east whose religion heavily influenced the hebrews and their first bible with a lot of similarities in stories etc.... so defo a true religion in the sense of it not as @Vtec would put it just some spiritual way of life, unfortunately for you your mortal enemy the greeks are credited with creating the alphabet but it was not them. (They were also religious)
I can do all the major steps of the world to get to where we are and religion will py a major part in many of them.
People forget you cant get to the top step without the ones before it so they are all as important as each other
And my point is simple you can not dissmiss religions influence in shaping the world today because there is a major leftists and alternate right movement that looks down on and despises the middle east/muslims and even americas bible belt....
which also ties in nicely with heeros first post of people who have free looking at those who are not like the grass is greener.
Greeks where Hellenistic culture worshippers of Zeus, Cronus (Babylonian equivalent BAAL EL gods) etc... They saw what they saw in egypt and made their own shit up after being booted out as the Hyksos people into the lands of Ancient Babylon/ Sumer/IRAQ and wanting power. (what you call civilisation...)
The came back as Hellenistic Greeks as they spread throughout the middle east/india affecting the people there and re-invaded Africa via Alex the Greek (his right hand man Ptolemy brought hellenism to egypt and began the prototype christ enforcement of worship aka Serapis. (which was a blend of the egyptian Isis/osiris/horus story/ Babylonian/ Sumer gods story/ and fuse of their own shit of Alex the greek.)yes Greeks where the Phonetians too (Thats where you get the term phonetic, for language) English and european languages derive from this root and goes to Sanskrit which is indo european origin. But you really think Humans where not communicating prior to this... Ok...)
Come the greco roman republic era. Romans replaced Zeus with Jupiter, Cronus with Saturn. (temples still stand today in rome and the middle east) and come 325AD they replaced Jupiter with St Peter (Jesus right hand man). Saturn replaced with EL Shaddai/Serapis/ BAAL YAHWEH/Christ (the same meaning) and invented the new religion of Christanity to replace the old Roman gods. For CONTROL and the power still remains today, in the main form of government.
/Side track over.
3 minutes ago, Supermalt said:
China can do what they want..
Yep and it's not black people complaining or reporting to the media about this either.
29 minutes ago, Admin. said:
Of all the fraff and nonsense in this topic of which there is a record amount for this forum
this got to be the biggest line of fraff here
Yes there is violence in the name of religion/or religion is used to justify violence but religion is older then the abrahamic big 3.
Athiests forget that without religion we would have no civilisations, we would be in small groups still hunting for food on a day to day basis....
Athiest? (where?)
One thing that is observable through the "AVAILABLE" Mainstream Historical records... is that the arrival Abrahamic and YAHWEH/BAAL (women hating systems) beliefs are synonymous with the arrival of WYPIPPO late into the human game.
Prior to that, its not so much a re-ligion but more spritual/way of life/ interaction with self/nature. Understanding of self, higher and lower, unification of Ego lead male brain vs female subconcious brain.
These crass sun depleted unbalanced Icemen came in on some crud movements to attain what they never had before. Hating on the sun blessed aboriginals of the earth. (wonder what music drove them to this movement?)
Italy racist shootings
in Whatever
Revenge...? So attempt to kill a random selection group of Aff immigrants...?
All guilty by proxy?