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Everything posted by Thun

  1. You still bumming it out playing for the failed algerian ice hockey team So glad your hurt over us leaving, its send a direct message to haters of this country like you as you thought the English people had given up
  2. Thun


    Labour going down in flames Don Corbyn aint going nowhere
  3. Look at the mainstream whore media asking if they can use the video in the comments to fuel racial tensions I swear we had these type of vids on weekly basis before on public transport of all different types races being nasty to each other
  4. Has Britain avoided a ‘European superstate’? France and Germany ‘draw up plans to morph EU countries into one with control over members’ armies and economies’ France and Germany reported to have drawn up 'superstate plan' It would mean members give up armies and economic power to the EU Report 'leaked' in Poland where it has been branded 'not the solution' Leaders of Germany, France and Italy said EU was 'indispensable' tonight Plans for 'a closer European Union' have been branded an attempt to create a 'European superstate'. Germany's foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault today presented a proposal for closer EU integration based on three key areas - internal and external security, the migrant crisis, and economic cooperation. But the plans have been described as an 'ultimatum' in Poland, with claims it would mean countries transfer their armies, economic systems and border controls to the EU. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3662827/Has-Britain-avoided-European-superstate-France-Germany-draw-plans-morph-EU-countries-one-control-members-armies-economies It all coming out now, you should be thanking leavers for saving you from this tyrannical system, there globalist agenda is fully unfolding
  5. Thun


    We have an emerging opposition party, UKIP Why does it have to be always labour or cons who are always pro war, Farage was not
  6. You playing that card blacks cant be racist Enjoy living in your white man system as you call it
  7. The irony of what your posting, your being racist right now but think racists may attack you because your paranoid that society looks down on you
  8. It was just the sun, daily mail and telegraph pushing leave, every other mainstream media outlet on tv and the other papers was pushing remain The dm and sun had minimal impact on why people voted out imo, those days of newspapers having a major impact on peoples decision making are long gone with the wealth of different media you can read online Immigration might of been the main issue for some but overall reckon it came down to sovereignty and being able to trade more freely with the world, the immigration issue was down to unlimited immigration anyway, most countries on earth have an immigration sysytem were only so many are allowed into there country, seems reasonable and logical to me If Tories mess about with the free movement issue it will just give more power over to ukip now and in time to come, its a win win situation
  9. Stop trying to say its sun and daily mail readers who pushed the vote, there readerships are down, you think people these days care about mainstream media, its showing a lack of intelligence of the majority of the country who voted leave Its seems like you have detached yourself from society anyway thinking you will be hunted or looked down upon, you totally are disconnected and out of touch if you think even a tiny minority of the nation thinks the way you do Again immigration from the EU was one of the issues but how can it be racist to not want unlimited immigration and also most of Europe is white, how you work that one out You have proven yourself to be a racist anyway using the word crakka, if i was to read someone using the n word who was white i would look at them the same as you, you are as bad as the people you profess to hate, that usually the case with racists Your pissed English people came out who you thought did not have any fight in them and now your on the losing team for decades to come, the tide has turned now, there is no turning back as the people have woken up, the country will change for the better whether you like it or not
  10. Them pubman are the winners and you are the losers I think you remain people are more pissed that English people went out in the droves and voted out as fed up the globalist agenda that is causing hardship It makes you mad that you thought they had gone to sleep for good and the takeover of the country was on, nah, the people are rising up and a sleeping giant has awoken You can only push people so much until they start hitting rock bottom and they will rise up, this country is known for the strong will of the people throughout history and now the worlds eyes are on the nation that has stood up to tyranny, soon more will follow and you will realise your on the deams side Stop with trying to label anyone who did not want unlimited immigration as racist, shows you are not really in touch with the people in this country and still trying project fear tactics which are done now
  11. Thun


    This is great to see labour in the gutter with corbyn destroying the party even further Aint even got a strong leader to take over, these are good times
  12. Thun


    It was broken down into paragraphs but when the board updated put it into a block text It will take you 2 mins or less to read, i'm sure your attention span can handle that
  13. Thun


    You still mad and bitter we won
  14. Is this what the remain voters wanted, a global government ushering in the new world order fully
  15. Thun


    Go take your pills Commentary is added in the same post but yet again your unstable mind has dismissed it
  16. Thun


    Read the Brexit topic, countless posts discussing it and have put up many posts why thinks its a bad idea
  17. Thun


    Are you mentally unstable This is a information source to provide evidence, thats what people do on forums when discussing certain issues but your so thick you still not grasped that concept
  18. Thun


    How can he be a eurosceptic through his political life then when in power he goes against everything he believed in, that is weak Ten Quotes Which Prove Corbyn Is Undoubtedly A Eurosceptic July 2015 – “Brutal” “If the EU becomes a totally brutal organisation that treats every one of its member states in the way that the people of Greece have been treated at the moment, then I think it will lose a lot of support from a lot of people.” June 2015 – “Colonies of debt peonage” “[If] Greece leaves both the eurozone and the EU its future would be uncertain, but at least it could be its own. … There is no future for a usurious Europe that turns its smaller nations into colonies of debt peonage.” January 2015 – Undemocratic Public opposition to the EU’s TTIP treaty is “a cri de coeur for democracy and for the right of people to elect a Government who can decide what goes on in their country.” April 2013 – “Worst of all worlds” “Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, has no problems integrating rail services with Germany, France and Italy, and I do not think that any other country should have any problems either. What we have is the worst of all worlds.” February 2011 – Human rights abuses “We have EU trade agreements with a number of countries that include a human rights clause that has not been enforced or effected. Is it not time for us to look again at the whole strategy for the region? May 2005 – “Simply crazy” It is morally wrong [to] pay farmers to over-produce… then use taxpayers’ money to buy the over-production, so it is already a double purchase, and it is then shipped at enormous public cost across the seas to be dumped as maize on African societies. … The practice is simply crazy and must be stopped.” October 2003 – Morally Unjustifiable “[W]e are now exporting 40 per cent of the world’s sugar and subsidising it to the tune of €500 per tonne. That is not justifiable in any moral or other sense. We are driving cane sugar producers in Africa and elsewhere out of business so that European sugar can be dumped on their markets.” May 1993 – Opposition to Maastricht “I am sure that [Labour MPs] will vote against the Maastricht treaty again tonight, primarily because it takes away from national Parliaments the power to set economic policy and hands it over to an unelected set of bankers” March 1993 – EU Army “[W]e are moving towards a common European defence and foreign policy. That being so, one must ask who proposes it, who controls it and what it is for? … Title V states that the objective of such a policy shall be “to safeguard the common values, fundamental interests and independence of the Union”. What exactly does that mean?” http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/04/14/ten-quotes-prove-corbyn-undoubtedly-eurosceptic/
  19. We have gone past that stage of it being a conspiracy theory years ago, shows how far behind just on the simple things in life going on around you You need to get over it, you lost fella, your taking this very badly
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