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I remember I see the trailer for this when I was in America.I also see the trailer for some next f*cked up film coming out in 2008.Something to do with the end of the world, it looked f*ckED.
probly the Will Smith one "I Am Legend"Max Payne is also in development probly wont see that till autumn/winter 08
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It was untitled when I saw the trailer.and it didn't star Will Smith, unless he's directing.
some film codenamed CLoverfieldfilms comin outSin City 2 - 2009Iron Man - next yearJetsons - 2009Indiana Jones - 2008Terminator - 2009Rambo - early 2008Harold & Kumar 2 - 2008Chronicles of Narnia 2 - 2008Sex & The City The Movie - 2008Austin Powers 4 - 2008Madagascar 2 - 200824 The Film - 2008Devil May Cry - 2008Hood V Evil - 2008Metal Gear Solid - 2008New Mortal Kombat - 2008The Warriors - 2008i gt a major headache n cnt think of any others right now
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Looks like Hitman will defo be hit or miss seeing as it's based on a game and game films don't seem to do that well with the exception of Tomb Raider and Resident Evil to come.I remember watching the Chimpmunks when i was younger but i dont think i could bring myself to watching it in a cinema, probs be a DVD thing.This year and next is going to be good for films.

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It was untitled when I saw the trailer.and it didn't star Will Smith, unless he's directing.
some film codenamed CLoverfieldfilms comin outSin City 2 - 2009Iron Man - next yearJetsons - 2009Indiana Jones - 2008Terminator - 2009Rambo - early 2008Harold & Kumar 2 - 2008Chronicles of Narnia 2 - 2008Sex & The City The Movie - 2008Austin Powers 4 - 2008Madagascar 2 - 200824 The Film - 2008Devil May Cry - 2008Hood V Evil - 2008Metal Gear Solid - 2008New Mortal Kombat - 2008The Warriors - 2008i gt a major headache n cnt think of any others right now
apart from sin city 2 there all going to be sh*tn maybe cronicles of narnia 2
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They're remaking The Warriros, just leave the original alone! I'm sick and tired of seeing remake after remake after remake, not long till we see a Citizen Kane remake the way this is going.Oh just got to love how they're going after video games to make into films.24 The Film? *sighs* great tv show no doubt but when it doesn't always mean a great film.Terminator? What a brand new one or a remake of the first infact don't put it passed this Hollywood directors/producers to remake a classic.

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