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Hernandez Balcazar

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smh where to startsub saharan africa is a disgrace.. been around the longest accomplished the leastlike i said before.. 1 big p*ssy whuich has been f*cked for millenia...i say we stop all aid to the region... let them a) sort it out themselves instead of being lazy and relying on food programsb ) all die of aids either way i fail to see how this is the wests problem.. these people are incapable of sorting it out for themselves even after the shame on bono and his gang of rich white cronies trying 2 build a reputation of them.im sure il catch heat for this but still... there are those with and those without
lol@ your existence
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smh where to startsub saharan africa is a disgrace.. been around the longest accomplished the leastlike i said before.. 1 big p*ssy whuich has been f*cked for millenia...i say we stop all aid to the region... let them a) sort it out themselves instead of being lazy and relying on food programsb ) all die of aids either way i fail to see how this is the wests problem.. these people are incapable of sorting it out for themselves even after the shame on bono and his gang of rich white cronies trying 2 build a reputation of them.im sure il catch heat for this but still... there are those with and those without
a nice western viewclueless
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didnt watch the video, but i know north africa is developing nicely.
LOL. Bastards.Northern Africa never fully had the level of european colonialism that Sub-saharan africa did. The arabs raped egypt and them parts way before that. Northern Africa didnt have stupid dictators installed by british, american & UN forces to satisfy their own benefits, of course its going to be developing nicely.
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Guest TimeBomb
didnt watch the video, but i know north africa is developing nicely.
LOL. Bastards.Northern Africa never fully had the level of european colonialism that Sub-saharan africa did. The arabs raped egypt and them parts way before that. Northern Africa didnt have stupid dictators installed by british, american & UN forces to satisfy their own benefits, of course its going to be developing nicely.
you cant be serious? algeria was abused by france for 200 years, even my grandad and 2 uncles died fighting for independence in 1962, algeria is developing cos it has a huge amount of gas in the sahara desert.Morocco and tunisia have big money from tourism.North african also hasnt suffered the aids problems sub-saharan african has.
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didnt watch the video, but i know north africa is developing nicely.
LOL. Bastards.Northern Africa never fully had the level of european colonialism that Sub-saharan africa did. The arabs raped egypt and them parts way before that. Northern Africa didnt have stupid dictators installed by british, american & UN forces to satisfy their own benefits, of course its going to be developing nicely.
you cant be serious? algeria was abused by france for 200 years, even my grandad and 2 uncles died fighting for independence in 1962, algeria is developing cos it has a huge amount of gas in the sahara desert.Morocco and tunisia have big money from tourism.North african also hasnt suffered the aids problems sub-saharan african has.
Im not claiming that it was all rosy for them.But its always been worse in sub-saharan africa.
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Guest TimeBomb
didnt watch the video, but i know north africa is developing nicely.
LOL. Bastards.Northern Africa never fully had the level of european colonialism that Sub-saharan africa did. The arabs raped egypt and them parts way before that. Northern Africa didnt have stupid dictators installed by british, american & UN forces to satisfy their own benefits, of course its going to be developing nicely.
you cant be serious? algeria was abused by france for 200 years, even my grandad and 2 uncles died fighting for independence in 1962, algeria is developing cos it has a huge amount of gas in the sahara desert.Morocco and tunisia have big money from tourism.North african also hasnt suffered the aids problems sub-saharan african has.
Im not claiming that it was all rosy for them.But its always been worse in sub-saharan africa.
we didnt have slavery i'll give you that, but 1.5 million algerians were killed by the french, algerians were 2nd class citizens in their own country, segregated from everything and had to live in the ghettos, no different from apartheid in south africa.The french were f*ckers, people from senegal, cameroon, cote d'ivoire etc will all say the same thing.
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Guest TimeBomb
come on now,north africans dont consider themselves as africansthey are complete sellouts
tell me im chatting sh*t
ur wrong, we just know we are different ethnicity than black africans, but ive never heard a north african deny africa.
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Guest TimeBomb
come on now,north africans dont consider themselves as africansthey are complete sellouts
tell me im chatting sh*t
ur wrong, we just know we are different ethnicity than black africans, but ive never heard a north african deny africa.
they would rather be called Arabs
yea maybe some but not all, im not an arab my family are of berber origin, my surname is not arab or islamic.
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Guest Robin_Van_PersG
didnt watch the video, but i know north africa is developing nicely.
LOL. Bastards.Northern Africa never fully had the level of european colonialism that Sub-saharan africa did. The arabs raped egypt and them parts way before that. Northern Africa didnt have stupid dictators installed by british, american & UN forces to satisfy their own benefits, of course its going to be developing nicely.
you cant be serious? algeria was abused by france for 200 years, even my grandad and 2 uncles died fighting for independence in 1962, algeria is developing cos it has a huge amount of gas in the sahara desert.Morocco and tunisia have big money from tourism.North african also hasnt suffered the aids problems sub-saharan african has.
exactly algerians got abused by the french. Problem with most west african and south african countries is corruption theres money there but it isn't distributed right. theres to many people/polititians on a personal gain trip.
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