Qualitys OK dunno if they still put the annoying velcro ting on the t shirts.
What a time that was. Being rebellious was the new cool and anything that made no sense was considered fashionable. Ripped jeans were getting undeserved popularity for its uniqueness and people were not bothered by the discomfort of being partially exposed to Sun and other weather conditions in a non uniform pattern. The time has passed and the good thing is that the people have grown into sensible beings. Any non sense is widely booed by the audience on social media, and that is precisely why streetwear brands like trapstar are up to some decent designs recently. Lately, their choice of color combination is basic but with a fair touch of modernism and funkiness that the brand holds as its identity.
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TK stocking Norse projects, YMC and Universal works now so worth keeping an eye out
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Horatio Caine
http://www.asos.com/asos-design/asos-design-suede-bomber-jacket-in-tan/prd/8251858?affid=14173&channelref=product search&mk=abc&currencyid=1&ppcadref=761030380|39786590083|aud-108719242581:pla-387433993602&_cclid=v3_8cdb7cf9-654d-5c6f-9154-4aec2696220f&gclid=CjwKCAjwgYPZBRBoEiwA2XeupfYwVRqgzLnizKGa7UupU2ThQ1wrZ66CmyUI4uVAzQAbavkmIf-djRoCuekQAvD_BwE
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£100 for ASOS own brand?
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Horatio Caine
lol I hear you, Im waitin for it to touch sale price but it did sell out recently ,only just restocked 4 days ago
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If its real leather...
And it is very very nice
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Aslam Armani
What a time that was. Being rebellious was the new cool and anything that made no sense was considered fashionable. Ripped jeans were getting undeserved popularity for its uniqueness and people were not bothered by the discomfort of being partially exposed to Sun and other weather conditions in a non uniform pattern. The time has passed and the good thing is that the people have grown into sensible beings. Any non sense is widely booed by the audience on social media, and that is precisely why streetwear brands like trapstar are up to some decent designs recently. Lately, their choice of color combination is basic but with a fair touch of modernism and funkiness that the brand holds as its identity.
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