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I will not be online very often for the next month or so..


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Since police came round my house at 8.30 in the morning about a week ago and took all the computers in my house to look for indecent images involving children. Apparently when I used to play runescape (some crappy online game) I made some jokes about paedophilia, which I got banned for. Now jagex, the company which own runescape, happened to be looking over past records (so they say) and came across my report and had reason to believe that I may be abusing children or something equally ridiculous and so reported it to the police. So I am answering my door to 6 police officers who come in and start cautioning me, telling me I am not under arrest but anything I do or do not say may be used in court etc leaving me sitting there thinking Wtf have I done this time. I was absolutely shocked when they started asking me about online stuff. Immediately I thought to a post I had made on vip2 saying something like 4chan were nerds on that thread about how they destroyed some guys life so I started thinking they had some how found out everything about me and had sent police round my house (stupid, I know). So, long story short, they take all my computers, tell me it will be months not weeks before I get them back, and leave. Now I am back at college and typing this up, feeling pretty pissed that Jagex took something so serious, and that the police actually acted upon it. I cannot even remember what it was I had said. FFS.

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Guest Cousin Of Sleep

Unlucky man, thats pissed, joke though, they takin sh*t seriously...I guess thats a good thing?Meh.First two lines made me crack up though..

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Guest Remy Lebeau

WOW!!!if your serious, that is f*ckedthats deep but im kinda not suprisedu never know who is on the other end and how they take a jokewont be long b4 someone knocks on the door of these e-rapist

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Guest Smell Of Death
WOW!!!if your serious, that is f*ckedthats deep but im kinda not suprisedu never know who is on the other end and how they take a jokewont be long b4 someone knocks on the door of these e-rapist
imagine if a company bought up VIP2 and decided to look over past recordsbare doors gettin knocked down n sh*t
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Guest Remy Lebeau
WOW!!!if your serious, that is f*ckedthats deep but im kinda not suprisedu never know who is on the other end and how they take a jokewont be long b4 someone knocks on the door of these e-rapist
imagine if a company bought up VIP2 and decided to look over past recordsbare doors gettin knocked down n sh*t
not even that...what if the police is watching this site nowi swear they have their own little online departmentscorpzz is pissed
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WOW!!!if your serious, that is f*ckedthats deep but im kinda not suprisedu never know who is on the other end and how they take a jokewont be long b4 someone knocks on the door of these e-rapist
imagine if a company bought up VIP2 and decided to look over past recordsbare doors gettin knocked down n sh*t
not even that...what if the police is watching this site nowi swear they have their own little online departmentscorpzz is pissed
hes getting sectioned for bein a threat to public safety
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WOW!!!if your serious, that is f*ckedthats deep but im kinda not suprisedu never know who is on the other end and how they take a jokewont be long b4 someone knocks on the door of these e-rapist
imagine if a company bought up VIP2 and decided to look over past recordsbare doors gettin knocked down n sh*t
not even that...what if the police is watching this site nowi swear they have their own little online departmentscorpzz is pissed
lol @ thinking they wud ever do any constructive police work with our tax dollus20 % of users are probly feds anywaysoon enuff most troublemakers will b arrested via various charges convict evryman with tabloid taglines'monster made jokes online about rape''monster pirated dvds''monster was highly perceptive' etc
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