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Are UAV's overpowered? One commentator was saying only you should be able to see the enemy on the radar not the whole team. Either that or push the UAV up to a 5 kill streak

I've called it in nearly 400 times :lol:

I don't understand what you mean by enemy and not the whole team.

I think UAV is fine, yes its called in plenty of times but Assassin is unlocked early so it counters it. Sometimes I use enemy UAV to my advantage if I'm running Quickdraw/Marathon. Most players on the opposite team will just run right towards the red dot thinking its a free kill, you can get around them with the 3 second delay of the UAV.

Too many moaners in the COD community especially the youtube guys, always complaining about one thing or another.

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Like, if I call in a UAV only I should be able to reap the benefits of seeing where the enemy are. My team mates shouldn't have that advantage too

Not that I agree of course... Just putting it out there

C/S the YouTube guys being moaners, one guy labelled the game sh*t basically because he couldn't get beastly gameplay for his channel :lol:

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Oh right. It's still a silly idea because at least 95% of the players using UAV are using it from support. [Most] Support pointstreaks = "team" play.

Only people I know who use the Assault type are; players solely equipping UAV coupled with "Hardline x constant flag caps", which is a pretty good tactic if you ask me. You can get around 20 UAVs a game, level up quick and help the team out.

I think it comes down to what you said about guys not being able to get "good" games to post on youtube. I kind of see their point about the game forcing you to use Assassin, similar to how you had to use Stopping Power in early games. However its just people complaining for the sake of complaining, putting the onus on anyone other than themselves.


Honestly speaking, I have no problem with the game of late. You know what you're playing when your playing COD, there's no mystery shrouding the series. Its fast paced, simple and straightforward.

Going to start levelling up the USAS & KSG starting today. Should be fun :lol:

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Pretty much agree with everything you said.

My only gripe with the game is the in-game score board not showing caps/defends... and the Domination leaderboard leaning heavily towards kills instead of how many caps/defends you have


You've got serious patience levelling up shotguns, I want the gold 1887 though!

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Dont get me wrong, I have a lot of sh*t I want to complain about non-gameplay wise. All the good stuff Treyarch did with the presentation and options is missed greatly in this game. Things like in-game stats, score per minute, captures/defends like you mentioned, sound control options, theatre mode in general, in-game chat. I think I've said all this before :lol:

But gameplay wise, I don't get frustrated anymore.


Actually, I have the most fun playing the game while levelling them up. Strange as that may seem.

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