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VIP2 is under new management.

Guest The Takeover

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f*ck the hackers. f*ck the snakes.Long live the bum & breast threads. Long live the Sports Room. That & the ED feel like the only places with some semblance of order.
this place is mad neekyGot man sayin sh*t like that^^^^drop me outI jus asked to be mod
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quickly this is what happened eric hacked briscos account and was viewing things he shouldn't he then pmd me asking for access to it.... when i posted in the room he was viewing saying "Why is that fat f*cker pming me"he took it to heart like cartmen wouldim guessing this is when he told Jas about it because he didnt know how to use the admin cpi was driving the next day and the vip2 twitter was blowing up... i then received a pm saying its been hackedby that time swiftie had been contacted & already removed them sad f*cksand when i was online next order was back to being restored dont think anyone took anything to heart tbh.......... was funny really because if Eric was smart.... he could of added himself to the room and even gave himself admin powers without no one noticing for a long timebut now all them special rooms and user groups you lot saw or were part of are now goneshame really

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Imagine if they did one thing FBO.'s :D

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lol time bombs mad cos he was number 4 user now hes 3000 loland he has the nerve to call ppl neeks... go play hockey you f*ck*ng faggot
shut it jew boy
You cry about Frank picking on you for being muslim then you call someone jewboyd*ckhead
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