No point getting the 3G one, just enables u check online scores, trophys and simple updates and basic stuff. 3G network aint fast enough to support full online streaming for multiplayer 3D games. Maybe could support turn based games such as puzzles like chess types.
yes it can, i know a few heads that rinse xbox live from there giffgaff sims and mobile hotspots
I think they were playing a prank on you.
100% not, played cod online myself linked from my boys experia. he doesnt have broadband, just his mobile internet.
No point getting the 3G one, just enables u check online scores, trophys and simple updates and basic stuff. 3G network aint fast enough to support full online streaming for multiplayer 3D games. Maybe could support turn based games such as puzzles like chess types.
yes it can, i know a few heads that rinse xbox live from there giffgaff sims and mobile hotspots
I think they were playing a prank on you.
100% not, played cod online myself linked from my boys experia. he doesnt have broadband, just his mobile internet.
3G, 2 Mbit/s for stationary or walking users, and 384 kbit/s in a moving vehicle (assuming coverage is good as well)?
4G, is coming out this year, 4G speeds of 100 Mbit/s down and 50 Mbit/s up (again dependant area coverage) (3G model is a con still for any true definition of mobile online gaming)
With the exeption of the N-Gage, the Vita is the biggest flop in the history of (mainstream) handheld gaming. N-Gage week 1 U.S. sales: 190,000 units
Vita week 1 U.S. sales: 250,000 units Vitrual Boy week 1 U.S. sales: 280,000 units 3DS week 1 U.S. sales: 440,000 units PSP week 1 U.S. sales: 470,000 units DS week 1 U.S. sales: 510,000 units Gameboy Advance week 1 U.S. sales: 850,000 units
61k in the uk, 3ds 113k
the f*ck. right now the main reason i want one is because i regret not getting a psp tbh
but if software is not developed and it gets discontinued i will be pissed off. worst case scenario of course
edit: im gonna see what apple are releasing on wednesday then make my mind up
It's actually f*ck*ng sick. I don't expect it to sell loads immediately because 1stly its more expensive than a PS3 and secondly there's no visible use for it yet. As they expand it, and add all the cool cloud based media in the next 5 years it will be amazing.... unless Microsoft or apple make a better one.
Only people who will better this are Microsoft. Apple have no interest in anything that does more than run mini useless apps.
It's a fantastic piece of kit. Looks f*ck*ng amazing and the battery life is fine for day to day use. If you are going away then get something else to watch films on cos this isnt built for that.
As someone said, the cloud based stuff will make this things incredible. And when the PS Classic games are available in a couple months I will be gassed.
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100% not, played cod online myself linked from my boys experia. he doesnt have broadband, just his mobile internet.
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need to get one in the next few weeks, long journeys get boring with just music
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im gonna give in soon
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3G, 2 Mbit/s for stationary or walking users, and 384 kbit/s in a moving vehicle (assuming coverage is good as well)?
4G, is coming out this year, 4G speeds of 100 Mbit/s down and 50 Mbit/s up (again dependant area coverage) (3G model is a con still for any true definition of mobile online gaming)
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With the exeption of the N-Gage, the Vita is the biggest flop in the history of (mainstream) handheld gaming. N-Gage week 1 U.S. sales: 190,000 units
Vita week 1 U.S. sales: 250,000 units Vitrual Boy week 1 U.S. sales: 280,000 units 3DS week 1 U.S. sales: 440,000 units PSP week 1 U.S. sales: 470,000 units DS week 1 U.S. sales: 510,000 units Gameboy Advance week 1 U.S. sales: 850,000 units
61k in the uk, 3ds 113k
the f*ck. right now the main reason i want one is because i regret not getting a psp tbh
but if software is not developed and it gets discontinued i will be pissed off. worst case scenario of course
edit: im gonna see what apple are releasing on wednesday then make my mind up
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We're not talking about a small games company, Sony isn't going to just discontinue it, they've already poured a lot of $$$ into developing it.
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J. Edgar
Yes, but do you remember the psx? probably not because it didn't gain much interest.
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Roy Batty
It's actually f*ck*ng sick. I don't expect it to sell loads immediately because 1stly its more expensive than a PS3 and secondly there's no visible use for it yet. As they expand it, and add all the cool cloud based media in the next 5 years it will be amazing.... unless Microsoft or apple make a better one.
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no one wants a 1st gen one i guess
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Creed Diskenth
Fuck this shit
*Unpacks 3DS from box no longer trading in*
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There are no words... no f*ck*ng words.
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oh wow!! Lmao,
Buys nintendo 3DS
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Tbf, the 3DS also had a rocky start for the first 6 months or so, but now its breaking all sorts of sales records.
I think the Vita will do well eventually, after a price drop and some more games come out / when it gets hacked... I'd say a year for it to pick up?
Though this latest f*ck up has set it back by a LONG way.
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got one of these yesterday for my birthday
impressed so far just need to get more games for it
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been searching ebay for one
some are taking the piss
shop floor model?
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got a ps vita and a bag of stuff for 2bills
forgot how snakey ebay is
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Roy Batty
Only people who will better this are Microsoft. Apple have no interest in anything that does more than run mini useless apps.
It's a fantastic piece of kit. Looks f*ck*ng amazing and the battery life is fine for day to day use. If you are going away then get something else to watch films on cos this isnt built for that.
As someone said, the cloud based stuff will make this things incredible. And when the PS Classic games are available in a couple months I will be gassed.
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f*ck*ng pissed off that i cant play any psone classics
and there aint any good vita games on the horizon, and least release more psp downloads ffs
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is it just me that thinks this thing is HUGE. it actually comes like a brick.
not impressed personally.
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swear theres bareeeeee psp downloads on psn through the ps3
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yeh thought majority of them work on the vita, was gonna buy jus to replay final fantasy 7-9 when im at my girls
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Roy Batty
PSOne gams will all work on the Vita in the next couple of months. There's a firmware patch coming. I asked that specifically the other day.
There's some decent games coming:
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fuck handhead gaming
iphone/ipad >>>>>>>> ps vita/3DS
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