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im looking to buy a external harddrive to store all my videos, music, etc.

preferably a 1 terrabyte ...

drop any good brands or deals..........


2TB is only about 30. more than a 1TB?


looks like a ps3 tho :/

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Right now isn't a good time to buy hard drives, there's a worldwide shortage due to the floods in Thailand which is where the companies mostly make their drives.

Hard drive prices have like doubled even trebled.

lol before the floods the Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB was around £38, now taking a quick look on ebuyer it's £89...

IF you can hold off quite a while then I'd do that.

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I need a 1TB Passport drive (usb powered) for my lappy so if anyone sees any good deals give me a shout.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Portable one to eliminate the need to be near a power socket. Don't worry too much about USB 3 as USB 2 can transfer 1TB of data in 8 hours (assuming anyone would ever need to do it in one go)

I agree that SSD is pointless at the moment and would go for a conventional Hard drive for more GB for your money.

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if any one sees any deals on 500gb+ passport drives holla...

ideally i want 750+ tho

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