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di kony 2012

Guest chap44uns

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the solution is to let the situation sort itself out. 2 guys who from congo say he's nowhere near as powerful today as he's made out to be

all this lets help those poor kids stuff is just good intentions mixed up with a useless western govt policy

they will send in some NGO or troops, and just replace one terror with another.

sit the f*ck down in your house and Fix the sh*t thats going on in the US

probably as many children were kidnapped in congo and abused in 10 yrs, as the amount of kids in the US who shot and stabbed each other and were killed in abortions.

stay out is the solution

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every time i think of charities i think of those cunts who get paid to stop u on road and sign ur bank details or bonos charity lol



'We don't provide programmes on the ground. We're an advocacy and campaigning organisation."

f*ck*ng a, then whats the point. You just shout poverty and africa then get paid. bastards

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I don't buy any of this sh*t. f*ck Kony & Museveni.

Since 2008 the US government have spent over 40 Million to ''help catch Kony'' & thus far have had no ROI. Then you have the oil situation, the number of years they've known & let all Kony's crimes slide. They've funded & ''tried'' to resolve the situation & failed big time before but now the ppl will succeed?

If any world powers really want to help or have suddenly found a heart. Address the corruption, stop the under arms sells & funding of rebels and it will be a wrap. As for Kony, drop local soldiers less 10 bags or so, some serious weapons & he'll be dead within a week.

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