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The Road of Life - Driven by our imperfections and faults


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Was just thinking,

Do you believe that the direction we head in life isn't chosen by ourselves even though we may think we have choices, duties and aspirations but ultimately we'll always be travelling through life by our imperfections and faults.

Picture it as a Pinball machine, can you tell me when you've had your choices limited due to your imperfections or faults recently?

We're all born with options, my son or daughter will have the option to hopefully goto University but if they are not academically viable then that's a door shut for them, now where's your choice?

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even though OP is a tr0ll, tr0llin, i'll answer anyway

My road of life is driven by my strengths rather than my imperfections and weaknesses.

I go down the route that is viable for me, without wasting time, wishing for example that I could be an F1 driver when I even can't pass a regular driving test.

Instead I concentrate on what I'm good at, and how I can be better at it and go further down that path

If Your children aren't intelligent, there will be other strengths they have, that if You nurture will lead them to a successful life. no point in them retaking the same A Levels year after year and fail if it's just not for them, their ability lies elsewhere and hopefully they find it.

Example. I did art from 5 years old to year 9 in secondary. if I was going to be a painter I would have developed some skill in painting by then, but I hadn't.

I didn't pick art in GCSE, and I got a B in History, which was in the same options bracket.

Play to Your strengths

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