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37 minutes ago, i5_PRODUCER said:

I was a field engineer about 2 -3 years ago

It was okay , driving is long though. Make sure you find out about finishing times and getting your time back. Some companies are sly.

What's the line of work? , IT?

It's for a financial services firm its basically debt rehabilitation in a nut shell 

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25 minutes ago, _Fivestar said:

It's for a financial services firm its basically debt rehabilitation in a nut shell 

London, UK or EMEA wide?


Latter too good if you're single and wanna travel abit whilst meeting new people from hotel to hotel 


Either way good to have field on your CV when it comes to your next job

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27 minutes ago, _Fivestar said:

It's for a financial services firm its basically debt rehabilitation in a nut shell 

Yeah man. If you're good to drive and don't mind (possible) long journeys its bless.

It will be good at times and others you'll be stuck in traffic 30 miles away from the office at 4:50pm ( if you gotta drive it back then pick up the whip ) and be thinking f this.

Good luck mate.

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42 minutes ago, i5_PRODUCER said:

Yeah man. If you're good to drive and don't mind (possible) long journeys its bless.

It will be good at times and others you'll be stuck in traffic 30 miles away from the office at 4:50pm ( if you gotta drive it back then pick up the whip ) and be thinking f this.

Good luck mate.

Thanks pal 

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14 minutes ago, Realone2016 said:

What's the etiquette when you lot are leaving a company, do you just disappear or send out the corny it was a pleasure working with you all emails to the team and propose a leaving doo? I have a feeling nobody would attend mine not sure if i should bother when my contract expires.

Send out a leaving email saying thanks to people u enjoyed working with and maybe a funny moment u had.

At the end just leave ur number and linkedin/facebook for anybody that wants to keep in touch.


If u are worried about no-one turning up, get a female colleague to organise it for you mate.

That way if no one turns up its meh

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its funny that, coz growing up i always used to think 'if you dont like a company, just dont turn up innit'


then after working in all these companies ive been in over the years, the way everyone bangs out 'oh im leaving and keep get cards and celebrations and leaving drinks and all that'...


for me i just wouldnt come in (well that would have been my mentality)

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Interesting responses, only reason i ask is i see its the company culture for someone to throw an after work doo on their last day they send out invites in a bulk departmental email and people accept/ reject as they please.

I've been for drinks a couple of times with the team when i was new but i'm not particularly social with any one like that so it would just be weird. Most sensible thing to do is send out a goodbye email and go on my way.

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4 hours ago, Brem said:

I'm new to my current company. Is it too soon for me to get pissed that I spent all Sunday doing someone else's work for a deadline today because they went on holiday and didn't put the hours in to catch up and get it done. 

Yes you should be

I'm in a similar situation, also new, but the person's leaving

Gonna ask for more money and a title, might as well be worth it

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4 hours ago, Brem said:

I'm new to my current company. Is it too soon for me to get pissed that I spent all Sunday doing someone else's work for a deadline today because they went on holiday and didn't put the hours in to catch up and get it done. 

Yes you should be

I'm in a similar situation, also new, but the person's leaving

Gonna ask for more money and a title, might as well be worth it

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19 hours ago, Badman said:

easy money no?


18 hours ago, Supermalt said:

Those 123 laid back jobs will kill your soul, even if nice money. Been there. 

but this!!

It was chilled/easy before, but there was shit to do, but now we're in the process of being taken over, so all projects have been stopped/killed

Literally I walked through the door 10mins ago...and VIP2 has now been loaded up, and in that time ive gone to the kitchen, bathroom, procrastinated :'(

They want to send me for some training, I just need to see what the job market is asking for so I can steer it in that direction...

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