im gonna have to get the HD collection now, need to play Peace Walker
c/s the Snake Eater hype, even though the sheer originality of 1 & 2 make them hard to beat, the storyline of 3 was just too emosh
HD Collection is £21 at the Hut
The Hut?
im gonna have to get the HD collection now, need to play Peace Walker
c/s the Snake Eater hype, even though the sheer originality of 1 & 2 make them hard to beat, the storyline of 3 was just too emosh
Started peace walker last night. Graphics are a bit dated and it doesn't have video cut scenes more sort of anime style but the gameplay is the same as ever, sick. And there a few extra things that are quite cool. Definitely worth copping the HD collection seeing as you get 2 & 3 as well, gonna be buzzing for ground zeroes when I get through all these
kojima >>>>>>>>>
hes done it again
on first look i wasnt sure, but after reading everything online, its so bait. MGS 5 teaser!
What's it saying?
what did i just watch
Just started re-playing thru MGS2, gonna move onto snake easter then peace walker after.
game is so sick >>>>>
MGS5 is gonna be open world aswell
Kojima Productions head Hideo Kojima this morning announced that The Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes combined is actually Metal Gear Solid V, the first next-gen game from Kojima Productions running on its powerful FOX Engine.
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HD Collection is £21 at the Hut
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trust, I've always regretted not saving just before
would play that again and again if I could
definitely gotta get the HD Collection
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MGS1 deserves a remake, too. Wouldn't be mad at all at a new game from a time period before or a remake to be honest.
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Em Dott
The Hut?
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Didn't they already remake this on Gamecube or something?
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