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Please please let this be on 360 as well. I beg of you almighty game god, all I ask is 360 gets this as well.

Seen a interview with Hideo when he was talking about the new Fox Engine and saying how they can't reveal what game they were working on but the Fox Engine will be used for them releasing Multi Platform easier and all this. The game he wouldn't reveal then was MGS5 so you can probably expect to see it on XBox.

I hope so. Never got to play mgs4 and snake eater I never ended up getting back into after I took a break from my ps2 during studying. Need a game that has depth and longevity. That vid had me so hype I found a YouTube page that has all the cutscenes and codec calls in order for every mgs game. sh*t was emotional.

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Snake Eater was an absolutely awesome game. I would probably put that just behind MGS1 in the series. 2 was definitely the one I least remember. MGS will forever remain an absolute epic and ranks joint top with Shenmue in my list of all time games. So glad to see Snake back, I thought his time was finished now and they were sticking with that Raiden crap.

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Since it's Metal Gear Solid hype, this guy has every cutscene from every MGS game in playlists. Watching MGS1 at the moment and getting stupid levels of nostalgia. Want to play it all again.



Just realised I didn't post the link lol

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MGS3 >

Was arguably the best Metal Gear. Remember when i completed every single MGS game before i played MGS4. One of the best gaming experiences!

I have completely forgot about all the storylines and characters though. Will need to do a re run before this game drops

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Would be crazy if MGS5 is a MG1 remake as this is where the timeline is going w/all this Big Boss stuff. Kojima did express possibly revisiting The Boss and Cobra Unit in WWII. There's too much lore they can do w/the series. Liquid Snake in 1980's Africa? Anything.

Waiting for this hurts, anticipating this so much. It's great to see this gen go out in a bang though. MGS4/GTA 4 dropped close in time in 2008, can't wait to see what KojiPro and Rockstar's got up their sleeves 4yrs later.

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HD Collection is £21 at the Hut

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Remember playing bits of 1-3 when I was a yung g. But 2 years ago mgs4 kept me busy at uni for tiiiiiiime .felt good to complete dat sh*t best action game iv ever played IMO

Looking forward to this

trust, I've always regretted not saving just before

the fist fight with liquid/revolver

would play that again and again if I could

definitely gotta get the HD Collection

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Started peace walker last night. Graphics are a bit dated and it doesn't have video cut scenes more sort of anime style but the gameplay is the same as ever, sick. And there a few extra things that are quite cool. Definitely worth copping the HD collection seeing as you get 2 & 3 as well, gonna be buzzing for ground zeroes when I get through all these

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Just started re-playing thru MGS2, gonna move onto snake easter then peace walker after.


game is so sick >>>>>


MGS5 is gonna be open world aswell :o

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