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World in 100 years


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From 1913 to now so much changed but nothing did at the same time

Expect the same

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come think about man in world war 1 (100 years ago) were still using horses. Man can be in his yard and direct an aircraft to attack people. 

Even in them old star trek episodes allot of them futuristic technology's they use. We use them now and dont batter an eye lid.


Progression in next 100 years will be more advanced than anything before imo


But down side is as much as good technolgy's advance, bad ones do also (warfare will be to much)

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Africa will have gone through a technological revolution and will be where we are now, but their large numbers will mean lots of jobs will be based there. Same with India and I'm assuming it's going to be something to do with artificial food manufacture.

We're going to hit a technological brick wall in about 40 years where development of new stuff is going to slow as we have to deal with the new problems that are going to have arisen regarding dealing with overpopulation before it becomes a big problem, which will fail, hence my first prediction.

The Middle East will be almost entirely under the "control" of western countries, but with that the downtrodden women of these societies will play a more actively role in Government, entertainment and perhaps even cultural sporting events like the Olympics and Football. Good times for these people.

Everything will be interactive and targeted. You will have profiles of you online and will only see relevant, influential advertising across all mediums, perhaps some even being played directly inside your mind. Cybernetic and Android tech will have improved greatly, and the military will of course see the benefits of this first with super soldiers, and then eventually robotic enhancements will become the norm for the rich like how Botox and plastic surgery currently is. We will eventually become cyborgs and that's how evolution will be controlled in the future; Technorganic Humanoids, it's already started.

New fuel for certain, I think we'll go the inter terrestrial route and look at our oceans in a bit more depth as apposed to farming Asteroids. If you want to look further in the future I reckon some kind of global event might force us underwater for survival, back to where we came from.

I think also were going to get fitter rather then fatter. Don't let America be the archetype of the human race I believe when we start to focus more on genetically engineering our food (cloning, altering) it's going to be a lot more nutritious and good for us, but saying that I think population control will indeed be on the agenda, so we're going to improve the quality of life for the rich unimaginably, perhaps even extending life in some cases indefinitely, but this won't be for everyone.

Also I don't expect contact with Alien races for thousands if not millions of years, but I do think we've secured ourselves a future in this universe

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"The Middle East will be almost entirely under the "control" of western countries,Good times for these people.


influential advertising across all mediums, perhaps some even being played directly inside your mind.


some kind of global event might force us underwater for survival, back to where we came from.



I believe when we start to focus more on genetically engineering our food (cloning, altering) it's going to be a lot more nutritious and good for us"





I was miffed at why you tried so hard to troll

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Humans should of become more resourceful, use better fuels, we will be more self sufficient. 

I would imagine the exact opposite would happen, we'd be less self sufficient. We'll rely more and more on governments and supermarkets.

I've got a decent sized Garden and I'm looking into growing produce and the slight possibility of keeping chickens. You know how many people I've told this and they just look at me all quizzical and baffled and ask why?


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