Yeah you are right maybe because I am not into it.
but garage in its prime > ________
It was a movement, culture, Producers were very influential.
the london house scene is just a bubble tbh, it will never touch garage on any level what so ever. It is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things when it comes to house, even funky had more respect for its influence and innovation.
u dont even live in london bro
ignore this guy
Regardless he spoke the real.
Id say that gives me a better view of its influence without any bias.
you could say that, you could also say you're too detached to really appreciate what's going on
i've written at length about this subject elsewhere cbf to rehash so just a few basic points/question
whats the grand scheme of house got to do with it, funky and garage didnt start or effect any international scenes so why is house bein held to dat standard?
ima assume faze u meant u had more respect for funky innovation/influence, innovation certainly but influence where?
this house ting has already ran the same kinda timelength as funky which is probably half of garage, overly premature to write it off espesh when its showing no signs of slowin down
an i beg no1 bring up ayia napa aka londoners abroad
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the london house scene is just a bubble tbh, it will never touch garage on any level what so ever simply because it is nothing new. It is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things when it comes to house, even funky had more respect for its influence and innovation.
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u dont even live in london bro
ignore this guy
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Regardless he spoke the real.
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