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Notting Hill Carnival / Bank Holiday Weekend

Ephren Taylor

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Carni made me deep a lot of man are real life predators and need to be taught a lesson on consent</p>&mdash; Clay The Kid (@claybokanga) <a href="https://twitter.com/claybokanga/status/1034177560618434564?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Carni made me deep a lot of man are real life predators and need to be taught a lesson on consent</p>&mdash; Clay The Kid (@claybokanga) <a href="https://twitter.com/claybokanga/status/1034177560618434564?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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This will come across as victim blaming but what do you expect at these events? It’s been happening for time, it won’t change anytime soon. 

These guys are in the wrong, 100%. You shouldn’t grab up no woman without their consent. Straight violation there.

But anyone who goes carnival, bashment raves etc should know you’re gonna come across these fools who have no respect for boundaries. 

In an ideal world, they should be able to enjoy carnival without being groped. But in an ideal world, a woman should be able to walk home late at night and not be worried about getting sexually assaulted. We don’t live in that world. Either go with grown men or stay at home. 

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Its not womens fault for showin up. Our presence isn't an invitation to be touched

It's jarrin, its horrible, at carnival it can be difficult to move out the way, they follow u through the crowd

Not at carnival but in Dam on Saturday some man grabbed my arm started pulling me away. I've been picked up an carried away (that was a EC, non bashment event). Its fuckin scary. 


Ok so i read a few of those, ifs beyond a whine isnt it? Absolutely none of us expect all that on any occasion

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5 hours ago, TheOneGameBaller said:

This will come across as victim blaming but what do you expect at these events? It’s been happening for time, it won’t change anytime soon. 

These guys are in the wrong, 100%. You shouldn’t grab up no woman without their consent. Straight violation there.

But anyone who goes carnival, bashment raves etc should know you’re gonna come across these fools who have no respect for boundaries. 

In an ideal world, they should be able to enjoy carnival without being groped. But in an ideal world, a woman should be able to walk home late at night and not be worried about getting sexually assaulted. We don’t live in that world. Either go with grown men or stay at home. 

This is a fucking disgusting attitude to have. Nah, parents need to raise their fucking sons better. None of my bredrins behave like this either and if they did they would get rushed on sight by the mandem. We need to be checking our friends who move loose like this.

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13 hours ago, dayomesaydayo said:

needs to be addressed at the next one 

guys feel like the can get away with it because they feel hidden 

but how else do you secure a wine 

you move in she looks back and approves and then you cont 

or you move in she looks back and politely dances away.... access denied 

disclaimer - i havent wined since i was about 18 

why is it that some girls have to dress a slutty as possible to carni

i saw some harrowing things on monday from these young girls - i dare my daughter to step out like that 




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38 minutes ago, Seth Rollins said:

This is a fucking disgusting attitude to have. Nah, parents need to raise their fucking sons better. None of my bredrins behave like this either and if they did they would get rushed on sight by the mandem. We need to be checking our friends who move loose like this.

is he really wrong though its carnival ffs if you are not from london or your are naive to what carnival is really about then stay at home or you will be food for the vultures this goes for men and women 

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35 minutes ago, The Somalian said:

Not victim blaming but what some of the women are wearing they are asking for it. I know we live in a different time where you can not say this kinda stuff but dress like a slut be expected to be treated like one.

Revealing outfits is part of carnival

Look at the floats

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20 minutes ago, CurryMan said:

I highly doubt any of these girls was on the float or in costume. 


There's wrong on both sides imo. Both sides lack maturity and class.

I never said they were on the floats tho

I said revealing dress is part of carnival culture

This is evidenced by the floats

And even if only one girl was showin breast an batty out of thousands, she would not be asking for it

It's not wrong, its what they feel like wearing and it is their right in this country

Point of information in relation to this sort of thinkin. Watchin that gipsy weddin show, all those young girls dress like absolute "slags", yet the culture is very strict against slaggy behaviour.

So, these things dont always have to go hand in hand

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1 hour ago, Seth Rollins said:

This is a fucking disgusting attitude to have. Nah, parents need to raise their fucking sons better. None of my bredrins behave like this either and if they did they would get rushed on sight by the mandem. We need to be checking our friends who move loose like this.

It’s the reality we live in. I don’t move like that and none of my boys do. However, there are guys raised with good parents who will act like scumbags on the road because of the herd mentality.

Yeah, it’s easy to say raise young boys better so they don’t assault, rape, murder but guess what? They’re always going to exist. The only way to mitigate incidents like this is to either have women protected by men who’ll check any guy trying it or just avoid events like this.

I’m not even condoning what these thirsty guys are doing but they’ll always be about. What’s the point saying some pointless “raise them better” when the horse has already bolted from the stable?  

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