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The "another american shooting" thread


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6 minutes ago, Trap God said:

Gun law has nothing to do with it tbh

Can buy the same shit in switzerland

It's the culture that's fucked 

of course the law does. switzerland has completely different history and society to usa. obv the laws in the two countries will affect the population differently

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Just now, Gambino said:

Gun laws surged when Obama got into power and have dropped under Trump. People must of been worried he was gonna bring in tough laws and started stockpiling them.

Yep, literally after every shooting that Obama did his pleading routine, coincided with increased gun sales.

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Democrats, help boost gun sales by threatening to take their arms.

Republicans, who control the US gun lobby, then play the "oh those libtards want to take our GUNZ"

(democrats protest or get into power, and guns sales increase as republican senate then turn on the taps for gun makers to increase production and sales)

Divide and conqueor 101.

Both are one in the same beast.

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I don't personally think you can take Americas guns now... Too late IMO. Country is awash with them, all you will do is remove them from law abiding citizens. Criminals and anyone else who want them will probably easily get them, especially with that Mexican border. Would produce a mini money spinner for Gangsters like Prohibition.

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When Obama was talking that gun reform ish, the media spun it, into the narrative to make people fear that was going to happen. (I agree not poss to take guns away) but the suggested thought of it, generated more sales. (fear always produces results)

It triggered the neccessary powers in republican senate that be to increase gun production. Democrats/republicans working together, to the detriment of the general population who remain divided and blinded.

Eased trump into power.

Its like watching opposite world.

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30 minutes ago, ag. said:

of course the law does. switzerland has completely different history and society to usa. obv the laws in the two countries will affect the population differently

Lol isn't that what he's saying?

Switzerland does not have this gun culture but you can find the same weapon in Switzerland as you can in America

Nigga are you disagreeing for the sake of it?

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15 minutes ago, Trap God said:

Beg you post coherently if your gonna quote me 



10 minutes ago, Seydou said:

Lol isn't that what he's saying?

Switzerland does not have this gun culture but you can find the same weapon in Switzerland as you can in America

Nigga are you disagreeing for the sake of it?

Literally first line he says is the LAW has nothing to do with it.

Well obviously the law does. Loads of reasons, including long history of racism as a main one, mean the laws in USA and Switzerland, even if identical, will have a different effect on population. Different demographics too. Switzerland is mainly white, etc

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