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The "another american shooting" thread


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It was very obvious 

obviously the law has everything to do with it 

it is due to the laws in the country that has led to the culture being messed up

and how do you fix culture in a country - by introducing tighter laws 

like with the acid attacks becoming a thing now - tighter laws are introduced to change that culture 

same thing with knife crime in inner city areas , harsher sentences are given to knife carriers as an attempt to change the culture

i can't believe someone actually said the law has nothing to with it 



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1 hour ago, Gambino said:

I don't personally think you can take Americas guns now... Too late IMO. Country is awash with them, all you will do is remove them from law abiding citizens. Criminals and anyone else who want them will probably easily get them, especially with that Mexican border. Would produce a mini money spinner for Gangsters like Prohibition.

I agree with this though

but they have to do something

seems like nothing changes 

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Laws ain't got much to do with it tbh

We had handguns until Dunblane and that's pretty much all that happened, wasn't that long to ban them cause we don't really have a gun culture.

In the US whether you make them the most illegal thing or freely available you'll get the same issues, guns are ingrained in US culture, was literally founded with the concept of guns for everyone, in case a tyrannical government takes over or some shit.

Deed different even from EU countries that allow guns

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42 minutes ago, JOHN DOE said:

I agree with this though

but they have to do something

seems like nothing changes 

It's coming, when the time is right. Martial law, lockdown/civil war. Those alleged freedoms certain patriots keep screaming about rights to bear arms to protect from a tyrannical government.

If only they realised they already in occupation under tyrannical government, since inception of the "founding "(correction... stealing and invading) of the USA. Gov has the people fearing external terrorism, when it's all in house.

Example... this latest out of many shootings, of so called "lone wolf shooters, mentally misguided". removing statues, peeps being run over, alt right the increasing nazi'sm in the states and whoever antifa is.

USA seems to be leading itself to some kind of purge situation.

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It won't change because there has been instances of carrying guns saving people too, and they will cling onto that to keep a right to bear in place.


Eg not too long ago gunmen ran into a taco bell to rob them and the employees shot and killed him. Saved their own arses.

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5 minutes ago, Thizz said:


Why not ?

I am mentally stable, defo is a culture ting

USA is a country a few hundred years old with a huge population, people there dont value others lives out there.

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All I see in the head lines is one gun nut kills 50 and maims 400 other gun nuts, there can't be any country music fans  who have gone to las vegas from their flyover state who doesn't have a well stocked cabinet in the garage, in fact it is pre requisite to getting a ticket . Live and die by it fucking deranged cowboys 

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9 minutes ago, Gambino said:

Would you man carry a firearm in the UK if you had the option?

No. There are guys walking UK streets with knives for alleged self protection. Then get into situations and you know the rest.

Guns and the USA are intertwined differently.

Self protection with guns leads to Trayvon Martin situations, of which there is too many of those situations and police fearing and trained to treat general population as the enemy combatant, esp you exhibt a different hue of skin.

Even if you tell the officer you have a legally owned gun, you get mowed down

USA is a special kind of fuck up.

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7 minutes ago, Gambino said:

Would you man carry a firearm in the UK if you had the option?

No need

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4 minutes ago, Thizz said:

ISIS claiming responsibility 


Them man will claim anything, just got washed out by a bunch of iraqi farmers... hiding in caves

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18 minutes ago, Gambino said:

Would you man carry a firearm in the UK if you had the option?

I react logically most of the time but on the rare occasions where I react emotionally I wouldn't want to have a gun in my possession but on the flip side...

Ice T: "If there was guns here would you wanna be the only person without one?"



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1 hour ago, JOHN DOE said:

It was very obvious 

obviously the law has everything to do with it 

it is due to the laws in the country that has led to the culture being messed up

and how do you fix culture in a country - by introducing tighter laws 

like with the acid attacks becoming a thing now - tighter laws are introduced to change that culture 

same thing with knife crime in inner city areas , harsher sentences are given to knife carriers as an attempt to change the culture

i can't believe someone actually said the law has nothing to with it 



Youre asleep

Switzerland has more lenient gun laws than certain states in America

The law does not dictate the culture

The legality behind how they aquire guns in America is irrelevant in terms of their attitude to guns and the way in which they are conditioned to use them


If I lived in America or they made them legal here I would own at least 5

Glock 26 threaded barrell + suppressor

Glock 18 custom grip

.45 Springfield 1911 


And a custom AR15 off the top of my head

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