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Posts posted by YGNB

  1. Not really controversial but....little old ladies living alone in 3-4 bedroom houses should be relocated, all the f*ck*ng housing problems in this country and the government just bury their heads in the sand about this matter.
    lol your sick, actually chat a lot of rubbish on a regular basis.Did you know there are 1000s of empty properties with no one living in them but due to their greedy owners, they block council attemps to house people.
    Yeah I agree, they should be sorted first.
  2. On an unrelated note.It's funny the way those that work the hardest in this country are being demonised for having lifestyles that they've f*ck*ng EARNT.
    this is bullshit and i can see how people would assume you are a 'tory boy' by this statementbankers work the hardest? that would be an insult to a lot of peoplewhat about say...all the public servies? firemen, police, nurses, teachers, all work hardand they are paid way way less, but also play an important role in societyon top of thatpublic services are now being forced to operate on a reduced budget, coz the government have bailled out bankers who out of greed have been lending at irresponsible and reckless levels.
    I think you'll find it's a lot, lot harder to be an investment banker than it is a nurse, fireman, policeman, or a teacher.It's the way the world works. To get to that stage, you have to work f*ck*ng hard. Harder than you can imagine.You're straying into a different argument here. We're not talking about contribution to society and morality. We're talking about being the best in your field, being rewarded for it, then being demonised for it.
    Do you know any bankers?These guys ain't like the Peter Joneses and Ducan Banntynes of the world. You can't get there through hard work and brains alone.These guys parents sent them to the right schools and knew the right people, intelligence doesn't even come into it. Most are thick as f*ck. As for working hard, they're down the pub at 5.05 every day mate. I like when people from working class backgrounds make it good, but Britain is one the worst countries in the world in terms of social mobility. All because of the *poke, poke, wink wink* between the upper middle class.
  3. On an unrelated note.It's funny the way those that work the hardest in this country are being demonised for having lifestyles that they've f*ck*ng EARNT.
    Oh a tory boy.Rich people work the hardest? Not sure bout that son.
    <_< <_< <_<ffsyh they just sat on their arse and did nothing and the p came flooding\
    Come on mate, use your brain.
  4. How will you be gettin taxed more? Use a fair enough level of carbon and you will be fine.In fact, if anything, this will help poor people - it says you can sell unused credits. Now I'm not sure what your definition of poor is, but people who fly around the world, drive 2 minutes down the road and use a stupid amount of electricity ain'tAn Environment Agency spokesman said only those with "extravagant lifestyles" would be affected by the carbon allowances.He said: "A lot of people who cycle will get money back. It will probably only be bankers and those with extravagant lifestyles who would lose out."

  5. Thun are you a scientist? If not then shut upIt's a pity Brown doesn't take scientific facts so seriously when it comes to his drug policy
    You dont have to be a scientist to know its all a scam dumb f*ckYou seem to suck up anything the government feeds you
    Suck up everything the governement feeds me? The UK government and others around the world are not doing nearly enough. There needs to be some BIG changes in our lifestyles not some puny emission cuts
  6. Thun, do you work?If so, why are you contributing to "them" ?If not, why are you dependent on "them"? Assuming you claim benefits.If you really believed everything you typed, you would not log in and post to VIP. In fact, you would use the internet as sparsely as possible. Unless you use multiple net cafe's. In that case, why waste your precious time on VIP?
    When you come to understand that it aint theres but ours you might have a little fight in you to realise that it aint about living in fear The internet is ours to use as a tool
    So to you global warming is a 'crazy theory'ok
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