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Posts posted by ukhh_187

  1. at last a haterpeople have to buy it to upload it - W/E the grime artists get money there trying to get recognised i think uploading them is a good way - US people will start to listen to them & sh*tbut if u like it buy it - tru say if u download its not likely you will buy it.but its a good way to get noticed
    your argument of people having to buy it to upload it is stupid. One person buys it 100 people download it. so the artist is loosing money.the thing about "US people will start to listen" is also stupid. You need 50 posts to download from your site. No excpet from people who already know about grime use your website.Its not risky or uploaders who killed vinyl sales tho, it was dikheads with CD decks or Virtual DJ.
  2. dog is a donut...he talks about god and that, then you see him running screaming "FREEZE MUTHAFUKAAA" like hes in the 70sthen hes cussin the person when there on the ground...then when they are chillin in the car, he feels like a d*ck sitting next to them so he gives them a cigarette and starts talking about god
  3. smhit s fake, dog would never do such a thing
    LMAO @ u gettin all emotional about it"dog would never do such a thing" all dissapointed like say the first time mumsy told u santa wasnt real
    you got all that from one post?your post seems to involve more emotion then mine.my post showed no emotion.
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