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Posts posted by ToyaXX

  1. snog kaygee

    marry rips

    avoid xToyax *or watever that sores name is*

    your callin out my name like i even kno you....we havent spoken nor have u seen me so shut the f*ck up and dont mention my name again prick!!

    I Have seen u

    dont chat sh*t

    ur picture got put up as soon as u reached the site...some random looking slore

    get back to ur interracial solitary confinement and dont post ina thread again.

    wow...so u waited nearly 2years to post this...i didnt kno i made such an impact on your life

    i dont even post that much on this site but yet u still called my name....hmm maybe i should take this as a good thing

    n darling i can post where i want to...like you can stop me

  2. So my blackberry has stopped working again..i have no idea why i would bring it to a rave but i did....worst part is i have to go all the way back to london to get it fixed, cos its in my mums name n they refuse to do it in portsmoutha whole 4weeks without my bb is gonna drive me crazy

  3. na seriously tho everyone knows it wasnt speshkay

    but thats vip2 for ya

    i was jokin about lookin you in the eye

    i swear u saw a pic of a man's arse on here once and said u loved it, ur just as bad.

    ye i got caught out

    i didnt say jeez knowing it was a mans arse

    thats gay. im not gay

    now f*ck off

    lol haha

  4. what sort of mushrooms?
    hm..the kind of mushrooms u buy in sainsburys
    shitaki, button, portabello?? i wasnt implying you would use the funny mushrooms toya.
    i duno what mushrooms it is, it jus says closed cup mushrooms on d packet
  5. Double linkage. My one brought some tom boyish girl for my cuz, she was wearing an avirex jacket and everything. We were just jammin playing gamecube. I knew I had a full house so we had to behave. So we're just sittin on the bed then my dad comes in, no knockin or anything. Sees the girls and says hello then leaves the room and comes back immediately to ask the girl in the big avirex "Are you a boy or a girl?" with his aff accent. The tension in that room was too much after that. Double link ruined. There was actually no reason to ask that. Tom boy had a screw face for the rest of the night
    :D :D :D :D
    Thats funny
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