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Posts posted by Blackheart

  1. Took a chance in Dredd 3D the other day.

    Its greeeeeeaze! Karl Urban does well imo. Very very bloody, man getting pitched all over the gaff. Its a very straight forward film really. If I had to compare it, The Raid with guns instead of martial arts and special effects I suppose.

    Basically, forget the Stallone one (which for some reason almost put me off this one). Not worth a trip to the cinema but decent enough.

  2. Biggie probably had the best flow, but he rapped a lot of negative stuff so not my fav rapper.

    lol the last biggie v pac debate I got into "Biggie only makes party songs". When people downplay him I just assume they havent taken the time to listen to his stuff, cause the guy had it all.

    The only short coming Biggie prob had compared to these guys was prob vocab- he was never known for using words that would make you draw for the dictionary.

    Otherwise- Flow, Story telling, Punchlines, Versitility, Quotables, Biggie had that on smash- and that was over 2 studio albums + some lesser known stuff.

    Jay z, Nas and various other rappers can't really be on the same plateu as Biggie and Pac in my opinion. Not cause they got merked but because these rappers base their style/bars etc on these guys (Not so much Nas in this case) - how can they be better? let alone same level.

  3. Big>Pac>jay and nas (who are equal IMO)

    This for me. Personally, I think Biggie was the best to ever do it.

    Till this day, Biggie still gets quoted and his influence on numerous US rappers is so strong. Im actually surprised Nas is considered the best with minimal dispute, but boi.

  4. Really want to leave my job :(, if it weren't for the young people there I would have left time ago...place full of snakey managers/section leaders.

    Yeh exactly the same boat here.

    I should be goin harder with the job search on my days off but i get excited and do nothing, plus im not even sure where to start. Need to buckle down tho cause I can't see my current job lasting unfortunately.

  5. It works after specific hypers (The most common are the cinematic level 1s like Storms Ice bock super or x 23's weapon x prime).

    For Mags and Wesker for eg, do any bnb that leads to a hyper grav without using the Wesker assist, cancel into Magnetic tempest and before the mag tempest super touches the oppoenent or even comes out, cancel into Weskers counter hyper. You should see the opponent flip out into some untechable spinning knowckdown. When you see that, you are free to follow up with anything that would come out in time to catch the opponent for unscaled damamge.

    The comeback potential with Wesker is really good as proven by Aaron, so yeh I don't blame ya not wanting to mess with the order.

  6. Ayo GG's Titan, sorry I had to run out like that, lost track of time- I may be about later if I ain't at GB or something.

    Sorry for the lag aswell, I know it flopped a lot of combos but safe for tryna make the best of it.

    I like your team by the way (the very same team I am tryna learn actually). Switch up the order though, have Mags with Wesker second and have Doom as the anchor. The dhcs are still very strong and the assists are good but most importantly you have access to the dhc glitch with Mags and Wesker so you have easy 100%s on the majority of the cast.

    Be a little more lame with Mags and Doom aswell, I know you like to rush down but they have very good fast, full screen projectiles that give chars like X23 or Wesker a lot of problems, forcing them to take risks or take to the air where they are less effective.

    Advance guard/push block a bit more aswell and mind the air throws- but good stuff man. Nice Wesker! I need to work in more command throws like you do.

  7. I actually like it I think its mad fun. Won't go out of my way to learn anything, just havin a ball watching the fatalities/ X ray and story mode. Tag battle with the mandem is sick aswell.

    Forgot how gassed the roster is too, 2 years of sf4 and the average at best roster MvC3 came with, I'm lovin the roster ( I can't get enough of ninjas).

  8. Definitely jokes, but at the same time, thats the kinda stuff that flops the scene and gives it a bad name. If you came to play games then thats all it should be. The street of rage one though lol..


    By the way, couple man will be at gamerbase this Friday if you wanna catch casuals on MvC3. If you can't stomach the game and that, SF4 will undoubtedly be there aswell so you may aswell pass throu if you are about.

  9. I just saw that vid with Dieminion, Zade etc.

    All I can say is, I knew I wasn't crazy. Was going mad thinking surely its not just me..Thing is though, I will never play SF4, MvC2 def ain't happening..so whats a nigga to do? MvC3 will have to do. Capcom f*ck*ng boyed it though but o well. At least the game is jokes.

    That Sent vid >>>>>>>

  10. Yeh I dunno why people would moan about zombie jill so much. She was easily more likable than the battle suit Jill but other from fanboy reasons there's nuttin to complain about.

    Despite being one of the sternest critics, this game is just too much joke- I'm warming to it.

    Just a shame recent changes in my life stop me from playing this game aswell.

  11. Not annoyed at her change of moveset at all quicks. Should I be? Lol

    Always thought it was overrated and like Megaman she was never really used anyways. So no complaints from me.

    Dunno how good she is but her moveset is interesting.

  12. Game is diabolical tbh. Im still hoping it will step up though.

    Im still experimenting with the cast looking and waiting for that "MSP" team to pop up aswell, but all the characters who are turning out to be strong I would never want to touch or use (Zero, Akuma etc).

    There are no technical characters that you can get a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction from in this game yet.

    Maybe they are not in this game I guess.

  13. Sorry bro, I don't play this sh*t. You're probably better off doing that fly combo, I'm sure you know the one. Builds meter and does decent damage.

    Usually I would want to learn it myself just to say I can do it but the game is so sh*t I don't care.

    You are right, the game is actually stomach churning at the moment, but your complaints are fallin on deaf ears. Guys who have no idea of what they are doing, or usually are terrible at other fighting games are actually winning now, so ofcourse everyone is just gonna talk the game up- they are "pros" now.. You are just gonna come off as a hater.

    However, what IF (and thats a really big if) the game actually evolves, execution becomes an issue and genuiwine tactics start getting developed?..

    knowing you, you will jump on trying all the gassed high level sh*t but will probably end up losing to day one bullshit that everyone is learning to deal with now.

    Don't let that happen to you. Just play man, or at least keep up with the game.

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