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Posts posted by Guppio

  1. ..She ain't gonna get one.Ive spent all morning on the phone to various online shops checking avaiability, I've been into every shop in ealing that might sell it, and none have it. This think is about as hard to find as Osama Bin Laden at the mo. Anyone got any sugestions (except get her a PS3)
    lol @ ur mom wanting one, mind u Ima bout ot be a mom & Im getting one too.
  2. Yeah I beleive so, but how can u compensate years lost?This guy jsut got released after 30 yrs for rape that they found out he didnt do, he was 18 @ the time. Hes going to be baffed at how life has changed, how wld u get a job, what if u had no fam, ud hv nowhere to stay? I dont think everyone gets comp either, Im pretty sure he didnt.

  3. ive been missing breakfast for the last few weeks now as im always runin late for collegeby the time its noon my stomach does some mad grrrrrrrrs n datn den i do an inward fart! does anyone know bout dem?my first meal of the day comes at 4 pm which is fukd i no but i hav no p to buy lunch (times r hard)but still was a cheap on the go breakfast u can get to keep u fulll up?and wots a cheap lunch?nourishment is all ive been living on pre 4pm
    This guy???? You need some good mothering u do, a mother to teach u good english & to feed u good & proper. Would u like to come over to my hse? I cant sponsor ur plane ticket but I will mother u & feed u.
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