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Posts posted by ukhh_187

  1. The thing is Alex, Like you said the housing is allocated on Individual need.Immigrants are seen as more of a need because they do not have other family/support here in this country giving them a boost on the waiting list.Because people who were born here have family and support they are seen as a less need as they can always kip round a friends or round a family members.This is the loop hole on how immigrants are getting into homes first.Why do you honestly think British people are migrating to Spain and different countries? is it really just a Coincidence? why are so many British people upset and pissed off feeling like second class citizens? is it because you are housing us and helping us when we are need?@Gunner talking about let them in, yes you was once in that situation yourselves but people seem to think this country is here is a walk over country.. like we don't have a culture here ourselves... you must realise in 40 years times and your kids are in the same boat as me.. it will be you running the same campaigns.
    the people moving to spain arnt the same ones on coucil house waiting list.
  2. Ok I need to lose about 1-2 stone. Lost about 1 stone already but starvation diet thing I was on ain't for me, besides I have been told that under-eating can lead to your body holding onto fat reserves etc...I am a smoker as well so my ability to run is limited, but as long as I can pace myself I will do whatever it takes.Any exercise regimes/diets that you guys can recommend.
    Just make sure you burn of more calories then you consume a day.
  3. i signedi agree people like myself who have paid into the system taxes no matter what race/religion they are should have priority over illegal immigrants for housing. I dont see anything wrong with what ash has said you all jump on him for being racist but the first sentence of his post indicated everyone regardless of race should have precedent over illegal immigrants.maybe when some of you try to leave home and find accomodation you will realise its not as easy as you think.
    Illegal immigrants dont get no priorities. if there illegals they cant go and get accomodation from the coucil cuase theyll be put in that detention centre or deported.you also need to put down the daily mail.
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