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Posts posted by H.Y.D.S.M.S

  1. fed searchin my bredrinfed: *looks @ my bredrin's jamaican flag* what gang are u inbredrin: what the f*ck are u talkin aboutfed: that rag what gang is it forbredrin: that's the jamaican flag u d*ckheadno lie
    LMAOif thats true. Long story short, carnival was LIVE for me
  2. wacky dip
    BRRAAAPPP. clocked dat still. i beg someone gif Usain's gully creep. was too much
    Natasha Danvers is f*ck*ng sexy, jheeeeez.
    +1. lol @ the Jamaicans in the athletes village claiming Danvers because of her parents.I would give melaine walker one too, even though my niece JA daddy slew her and say she look like Daffy Duck
    lol, na shes choong still
    *looks for Melanie Walker on Facebook*
  3. Natasha Danvers is f*ck*ng sexy, jheeeeez.
    +1. lol @ the Jamaicans in the athletes village claiming Danvers because of her parents.I would give melaine walker one too, even though my niece JA daddy slew her and say she look like Daffy Duck
  4. Jamaica, GB, Caribbean and Africa. Sometimes i'm supporting because of the nation, the colour, the culture, the individual or a mixture of all, or who i can relate to, i have a different reason for supporting someone/team.In Athletics it's Jamaica and Britain. JA Because thats where mi family from. GB because alot of them are black, and are ''from JA, West Indies or Africa'', and this is where i have been raised.Cycling,Rowing (them events that have lack of black in them), i will shout on GB, because they are the closest that i can relate and also i want the individual to do well, it takes alot to do what they are doing. a lto of dedication etc, and i can appreciate that, i even cheered when that Russian woman won pole vault and got the WR.I respect that Africans don't usually have the same quality of facilities as USA and europe so i will cheer for them in Long distance events and what not, call me jumping on the bandwagon for certain things but i don't give a f*ck, im celelbrationg achievement and getting in the Olympic spirit! No affiliation to Brasil and you will catch me cheering them on certain times!I cheered for Christine in the 400m final over the Jamaican because i have followed her story more, as i said there are various reasons why i support whoever, but its all love for everyone.
    Co-sign the parts in Bold
  5. Dont hate man. Just leave us to do what we're doingNow I wanna see how many people gonna be cussing Yardie this Yardie that. Once again, Jamaica holding it up for black people in the public eye. We've brought so much joy to this world and all people wanna do is knock. Well, keep knocking it and try beg the smaller islands 'cause you know what, we know we're the best.Bless up every small islander that is proud of Jamaica's achievements, hold tight all the scoobs them not hating. We love unuh still. All is one.Give t'anks and praise to the most high, Jah.Holy Emannual I Sellasie I JAH...
    I'm a Antiguan/Grenadian who is proud of JA's achievements I'm not critising you I know your Happy but Please tell me your a Rasta and you didn't go that last part because you got caught up in the moment icon_lol.gif
  6. I almost always want England/GB to do well as long as it isn't at the expense of the caribbean islands.
    I have been supporting GB (IN ATHLETICS, NOTHING ELSE) and I know it's going to sound bad but I GB have alot of athletes of African/Caribbean Heritage. Don't try it other black people if you have and African/Caribbean mother/father you know you would they would be supporting the only black person in the gameshows like Jeopardy/Strike it lucky back in the day etc etc.and I love supporting the Caribbean athletes as much as well, Proud of all them that have won so far.
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