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Posts posted by Scorpzz

  1. how many times its common fact there is no physical addiction cause by weed so its not addiction its humans getting mentally addicted which can virtually happen for anything weed is no exception.So why outrule only weed and everything else is fine.Thats what i call double standards, lack of logic and contradiction.and no most people smoke weed then realise that college is actually sh*t n gather the guts to leave, real talk i know cause i done it i left for the right reasons though n i wasnt at a academic college a music production college.Making weed legal will feeds millions of starving people, cloth millions of people, Help the economy massive like i said read that ting n try deny it.You dont understand what this planets capable of.Smoking it is just one of its minor uses.
    see abovei never outruled weed i think that tobacco & alcohol fit in the same boat and are problems that need to be adressed imowell done to you for doing that wish you all the best but you can't deny what i said, there are some people WILL have problems because of blazingexplain how it will help economically.
  2. i voted no, dont like the idea of drivers being under the influence.
    lol u have no idea ive drove lean so many times its unreal drive absulotely crisp.Drink driving is a bigger problem you cant drive drunk.
    but thats you, next man will think hes flying a plane, same goes for alcohol, many can hold it down but them ones who cant can f*ck a family up.
    surely people know there limits? If you cant drive lean dont drive lean....isnt it just logic. why Should weed be illegal for this reason.When in africa people are dying because they cant eat when if hemp was legal and processed they could all eat and no one would starve.Im sorry your logic is just a scapegoat.Atleast you didnt use the classic mental problems propaganda.Made up your own this time.
    na that dont make sense, its like allowing a fat beer belly to drink 10 pints and drive cos he can handle his drink but some next skinny guy can only drink 1 pint, you cant adjust the rules for each individual.It may be common sense to know your limits, but many dont and thats why there are alcohol/drug related road deaths.
    no ones allowing anything, it was that persons decision to do so.Your logic is basically saying weed should be illegal just because some people may drive and crash.What kind bullshits that lol.Any small minority of people.More likely gonna crash under the influence of fizzy drinks no lie.what with that aspartame pilots are told not to drink it before they fly.
    yup that's what my logic is saying and i'm right you say it's a minority but not every one is able to control their intakehence why alcoholics, tobacco crack coke heroin addicts exist my friendand that's why it's kept illegal___>>>drugs, weed, alcohol & tobacco
  3. nope
    even tho it's natural not rly a drug and all that jazzpeople still become addicted, spend waaaaaay too much money on it and i know people, friends that is that have ended droppin out of college because they kept missin lessons due to being too high to go to them.
    most people who drop out of college do it because its sh*t. Not because of weed.Also addiction cannot be blamed ona drug if your gonna act like that you would have to make to much illegal...A person not being able to control themselves should not decide wether or not something is legal for the majority.Alouw making rules for fools so the wise and third world countries have to suffer.read that link i posted n think it over.
    they didnt drop out of college because it's sh*t, don't make assumptions, they dropped out because they missed the majority of the curriculum and they didnt meet deadlines, there was no point of carryin on the course so they had to enrol some where else what are you talking about of course addiction can be blamed on a drug, if it's not available then the problem = void.making weed legal will bring about more problems than good.
  4. nope
    even tho it's natural not rly a drug and all that jazzpeople still become addicted, spend waaaaaay too much money on it and i know people, friends that is that have ended droppin out of college because they kept missin lessons due to being too high to go to them.
    But if they dont wanna use it in a productive way, thats there problem.
    lol @ thinkin of it like thatlost tbh.
  5. nope
    even tho it's natural not rly a drug and all that jazzpeople still become addicted, spend waaaaaay too much money on it and i know people, friends that is that have ended droppin out of college because they kept missin lessons due to being too high to go to them.
  6. Dun Know Derek And Clive<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="
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