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Posts posted by weneverwherever

  1. 16 hours ago, cambridgebanteer said:

    There's no way DUP would countenance the possibility of a Corbyn PM, as far they are concerned he is an IRA operative, which isn't even that far off the truth tbf 

    Unbelievable he's not even close to being an iRA operative he wanted peace and held talks with all sides to help bring the good Friday agreement into place 

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  2. 15 hours ago, Heero Yuy said:

    Proof that it’s tory owned?

    and if labour are so ahead why haven’t they triggered a no confidence vote ?

    Yougov was started from a Tory supporter/voter. Jeremy Corbyn won't call a no confidence vote in the government till he has enough support mainly from dup till then  he's playing it smart by calling a vote of no confidence in Theresa May and will lose to show what turncoats the 117 who voted against in the vote of no confidence from her own party mps. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Heero Yuy said:

    How are labour still polling so terrible against this tory government ?

    Do not take Tory owned polling companies serious. The only one that got the last 2 elections pretty much spot on was the survation polling last I looked they had labour ahead rightly so don't take yougov seriously they are  biased 

  4. Jeremy corbyn for prime minister to install some fairness and sustainability this country badly needs. Don't believe the mainstream press that he's unelectable in snap election labour was meant to be wiped out with 6 weeks of campaigning he made massive gains. 

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  5. Reverse the vote as it was only an advisory vote and fuck Aaron banks trying to get into the conservative fuck boy membership club. Jeremy corbyn and his social policies made me become a labour member for the many not the conservative elite few. 

  6. 4 hours ago, youcleanwepaint said:

    This programme should have stopped long time ago

    Well said it's had it's run now its time to pull back the curtains on it as its garbage.

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