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Everything posted by leftlionharry

  1. I am yet to see it but one of my writers seemed to (mostly) like it. I think. Here's the link. There are a few spoilers about the basic storyline within it. The film moves inexorably towards a climax in both timelines, as the Sentinels close in on the last surviving mutants in the future and the younger versions of Magneto and Xavier try and set things on a different path. It’s all fairly exciting stuff, and the cast acquit themselves honourably, but Singer felt much more in control with X-Men 2, a film which juggled a large cast with superb efficiency and did not stumble at all. Here the film feels uneven and unfocused, occasionally clumsy and struggling mightily to balance the contributions of its over-large cast. Familiar faces appear for brief cameos and new mutants are often given little more than a name and a facial tattoo to distinguish them. Full review: http://www.leftlion.co.uk/articles.cfm/title/x-men--days-of-future-past/id/6699
  2. Hi all, I have added a link to my review of Godzilla for Nottingham magazine, LeftLion. It may not be long before you realise that I did not really like it... sample "Well. First of all, the film is slow going. Nothing wrong with this fact, in itself; it takes its pacing cues from older classics, such as Jaws and Alien. A patient lead up to revealing the monsters and the biggest action scenes are to be admired in this day and age. However, in this lead up, the plot and the character development have to be strong and entertaining. Just to be clear, in Godzilla, they were not." Full review http://www.leftlion.co.uk/articles.cfm/title/godzilla/id/6688
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