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Everything posted by VickieB

  1. Could be, but i actually really like my job (most of the time) so work dont tend to get me down.
  2. im actually in a really really good mood today. No special reason....just am.
  3. VickieB

    A new car!

    in that case, the Clio
  4. I'm alright, got a massive headache though which is a bit sh*t.
  5. VickieB


    Lets hope it was only cold germs and nothing else - eh eh??? :wink:lol, had to lower the tone didnt you rumble
  6. VickieB


    baileys and brandy is good too, gets me absolutely hammered ohhh and port and wkd blue....sounds minging but trust me its alllll good.
  7. VickieB


    thats sometimes the problem with being a nice person, people take the piss.
  8. VickieB


    mine was ok, got absolutely hammered with my boss and his daughter on friday night...ended up passing out on his couch..... :oops:
  9. really really looking forward to this one!
  10. Y??just feel like a certain person around me isnt pulling their weight and it makes things double hard for me......and we have to accept it because 'thats just the way she is' apparently.... :evil:
  11. im tired and slightly pissed off with my job.
  12. VickieB


    i'm glad you noticed :wink:
  13. VickieB


    for real!i was feeling especially creative the day i thought that one up.
  14. VickieB


    first name and initial of me last name....thrilling aye!
  15. Wicked White-liarYou wouldnâââ‰â¢t look someone in the eye and say pink is yellow, but youâââ‰â¢re a wizz at those weany white porkies. Whether itâââ‰â¢s to get out of trouble (âââ¬ÃâIt was like that when I found itâââ¬ÃÂ) or to bag that bit of extra kudos (âââ¬Ãâand so I told Brenda the bully to bog off or elseâââ¬ÃÂ), you often find those little lies too tempting to resist. Mostly your lies are so subtle you get away with it. But every now and then you get sussed and afterwards people think twice before trusting you. Worth remembering next time feel a fib coming on. .
  16. VickieB


    hahaha, thats great!
  17. i'm almost definately going belushis....dunno about the rest yet
  18. VickieB


    hell yeah!! 8) still watching it and still loving it, just starting to get gritty.
  19. they're just opinions....could well be a load of old sh*t too lol
  20. maybe because they both feel like they are minority groups and therefore have some common ground? i dunno
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