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Don Crack

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Everything posted by Don Crack

  1. The Trump vote just forced a entire side of society that thought things were going well to actually look at themselves and ask, was I part of this creation? But a lot of them dont want to look at this. You saw crying and confusion/Riots popping up everywhere. This was brewing all along but the opinionated press continued to insult their way expressing their views which they clearly are not conscious of how those views affect society so it had to felt through the vote of Donald Trump. I could say this all day long but they will still not get it. And because they lack self observation, all they are left with are their stupid feelings. (Calling people Raicst and bigots) Nobody gives a shit about your feelings. We give a shit about your lack of observation.
  2. Awwwww Lazy Somebody seems butt hurt.
  3. 'So who's going to assassinate Trump?' Twitter erupts with calls for the Donald to be killed after he wins the election http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3924052/Twitter-erupts-calls-Donald-Trump-assassinated-elected-president-United-States.html LOL I love how trump is exposing these so called "Tolerant" Left wing liberals. They are so pathetic.
  4. Anti-Trump protestors in Austin today are not as organic as they seem. Here are the busses they came in. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3492176/posts
  5. Im seeing this weird thing occuring how fans are attempting to police their celebrities thoughts. Psychologically its very weird seeing this pattern emerging.
  6. Yep, thats liberals for you, And you will not hear them condemning this. Their silence says a lot of words and encourages this behavior. I think Trump voters have had enough of this entitled behaviour.
  7. Yale Professor Cancels Exam for Snowflake Students Distraught at Election Result http://heatst.com/culture-wars/yale-professor-cancels-exam-for-snowflake-students-distraught-at-election-result/
  8. Liberal Black people need to stop defending Obama's bullshit. Its Fucking Cancer. Do blacks want jobs or do they want to carry on their liberal lefty agenda of saying everything is racist? They have been doing it too long and it got black's nowhere. Thank god Trump came along.
  9. lol Now you have done it! You keep displaying to me why he is in the whitehouse. The disconnect of it is shocking.
  10. You don't get it do you? It's that response that has got trump into the whitehouse.
  11. So what do you say to Blacks that voted for Trump?
  12. And the left are still going to continue to insult these independent media sites like infowars/Breitbart who played a HUGE role in trumps success. There is a clear division but i truly believe people do not want to observe this division for what it is.
  13. So how do they address people still calling trump racist if Hispanics came out and voted? We know the lefty biased media are still going to spit out this racism rhetoric over and over again.
  14. Donald Trump is moving to the White House, and liberals put him there https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/09/donald-trump-white-house-hillary-clinton-liberals
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