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Everything posted by Blackheart

  1. Good sh*t to the Marvel players, Hol tite Wong.Was good to see some high level Marvel, rarely see it nowadays. Made me think what the f*ck Im doing playing SF4. Anyways, no longer interested in Evo- Im sure it will be good tho.
  2. Clockwork obviously hasn't jumped on this SF4 wave. He is gassed, I'm loving this.
  3. Ah Marvel, about time- the only reason I give Evo the time of day.
  4. he's free though no sendlooooooooool, yeh what Capo said ask around. Even Zak had to pay respects, not that anyone cares I guess. He also rates a certain other player but I won't tell him cause I never rate this guy- hes fallin off in my eyes and I don't want him to get gassed.
  5. I am wit Kaz now and he sayin he workin on Thurs and won't get there in time so you will have to take him out. He will come after work and have the MM wit Natty if there is a set up available tho.
  6. 'kin ell. Quite the line up Logan. ain't looking so free no more isit? should be interesting though, No Zak so anyones game tbh.
  7. :lol:When was this?I respect Daffro's work.Saw it today blud, he's that guy trusss
  8. Took a gander at Dafro's handwritten SSF4 Balrog guidebook, that sh*t is certified- svb top 8 he has to be.
  9. Lool do that LS.I will check wit Kaz if he can come after work to get this money match goin, but shud be alright.
  10. RMZ would beat you, F Word would body you, Kaz would beat you, Andreas would beat you, Prince would beat you, Affie would beat you. You'd be lucky to make top 8 SCHTILL!RMZ maybeF Word yesKaz NOAndreas probablyPrince NOAffii NOOh yeh forgot to tell you Natty, Kaz said £10 money match or say nuttin init, whenever you are ready.
  11. Myself, Aaron and Chris are all on this for certain.
  12. Just saw this- good sh*t, I will be sure to bring Aaron and Chris (the guy player). If you need help or whatever on the day just lemme kno.
  13. Logan was sayin suttin about getting a set up just for Evo stream tommorow..just saying. Even if he wasn't, I thought you was on this ting Natty?Anyways, good games to all, bare SF4 lately so I reckon I will allow it for a hot minute. Hold tite Skemar sleeping and sh*t, this is what the game does to man.Oh yeh, was all about the guy in the sleeveless top towering F-word as he was playing saying he would buss him up if they played...then turning around to Aaron and asking how to fadc. Funny sh*t.
  14. lol LS always on this superstar sh*t, just come throu, duck out at 10 init.
  15. Gamberbase tommorow I will also be there. Imma try bring some players too. If you coming, bring sticks and that init- I would rather not use mine- its kinda random.---------------------------------------------------------Whilst Im at it, one random article floating about concerning the arcade version. Apparently along with the arcade release there would be balance adjustments which would be made as a downloadable patch for console aswell.http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/110/1104480p1.htmlEven if Super was to come to Casino, it may still be about Gamerbase. Mainly for the icecream nextdoor and the occasional gash passing throu attention seeking.
  16. Happy bday Natty and Mixer- have a good one lads
  17. Nope. Never.Kaz and Chris were tryna tell me how you were good but I was like f*ck that, can't have people rating Capo around me. Alchemyst is decent imo, once he gets going hes hard to stop.
  18. Dee Jay is so....he might aswell not have been in the game.Hol tite Capo, Logan and LS- good stuff yesterday, levels are definitely rising. I might even have to start rating certain guys, like Logan and LS. Capo tho I will never rate you fam Im sorry.That was Alchemyst on your stick by the way looooooooool, he was using Viper tho you can't blame him.
  19. Gamerbase ting today yeh? After I take care of a few things I would like to pass throu.
  20. lool at pulling out stick and walking off before the KO screen.
  21. I don't think the amount of TVs are the problem, it would be the lack of sticks. Otherwise if people chip in should be enough set ups for best out of 3 sort of ting. Remember when Casino only had those two SF4 machines like troc does? peak times boi- the pressure was a lot.
  22. More or less. Word got around, certain man that used to hold secret sessions are not around anymore, so a lot more people will be hittin gamerbase.
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