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Realest Madman Z

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cheaaaa solid postToo much mandem in there though / Need an ID on about half of em Less photos but names nonetheless, you can find anything on the interwebz. http://m.imgur.com/a/JW9Gc# Now back to actual work
  2. For those that missed out... Full http://m.imgur.com/a/JBlMX Just in case http://m.imgur.com/a/Omw0m
  3. Also if you play sagat he isn't sagat anymore he is hereby known as SIR GATProperty of sagat players only
  4. You want to learn sagat?Well first off learn to things. Spacing + Tiger shots.Learn the space when an opponent can jump in, and stay there. Sagat is all REAL mindgames, not all of that bullshit the other characters have.HK TS' are used to maintain the distance.LK TS' are used to bait jumps (kara's, slow devious pressure)LP TS' are used to either anti air, restrict the opponents movement half screen or just a bit inHP TS' are used to scare your opponent lol and stop them from walking forwardStart off with those because adding kara's into the mix changes the usage of each fireball. EX too play a big part but that's not for now.Blockstrings should consist of cr LK series no less than twice into cr LP (true string) FOR NOW. All that fancy,cr MP, cr HP counter bull dodoo you're not unto that just of yet.Well have fun :)Oh and st MK, st LK are your best 'pokes' other than kara (HK) MK knees or LK knees.Random fact:Also after a knee on block there's some bad delay/disadvantage so just crouch jab, TU, nothing, cr MP Etc. Depends on the ranges.Learning sagat is far from simple. He's a real street fighter character from the 90's
  5. Monday onwards. Hand-in. I'm about. XBOX LIVE.FT(insert your number) will be about. Any character you request, I will deliver GG's.Dissertation fi dead.847/4,000
  6. In the words of daigo and my own methodologies.'Jump once, like that jump depends on it, like it'll win you the round'. Not hopeless, f*ck it, go for broke jumps.Mindf*ck that guy. Rob his/her ass.
  7. Oi. FreebieUK.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8IodzbOipI&sns=emThe Fei long society may not have to be about.Links >>>>>Beastman for life
  8. Cool thanks for the solid advice. I thought I was in some majorly f*cked up position however this is default for uni students? The flip, toooo much stress. Finally got the working title got like 5 solid books for reference now.....lol the structure, some hard sh*t!B.H.D it'll be after gym so 5-6pm onwards? I'll text you because I'm moving out from angel
  9. LOOOOOOOOL.Them sendouts there. Tomorrow probably is my last casino day for a while, technician is setting up the second cab late tomorrow (that's what they say).I'm f*cked, one month to hand in, draft due Thursday. Don't worry I'm reading for it now skrillazilla, Facebook off'd, women avoided, consoles power cables buried, I want them real GG's (GOOD GRADES).
  10. Step your sh*t up player.700-1000PP isn't the lick, 3,000 ranges only
  11. Believe you me regardless of who you play? People will hear about it, if you're actually saying something, 'good' blah blah. Who cares. Just play. I play on psn for f*cksake and on Xbox, Resi 5 only.What you put into the game you will surely get out soon. Pump that sh*t like gas.
  12. That's my point you lot are casual gamers playing fighting games, not fighting game players. Losses should hurt, matchups need to be understood, footsies should be about.....I'm thankful for where people think I am, supposedly how far I've come but I don't see it, I just better myself, mindf*ck my opponent, punish habits. When I play for instance I learn at least 5 habits of the person I play and exploit that, that's just me and that's EVERYONE I play.Lol at freebieuk, I remember the first time you beat me when I was boxer, couldn't block blankas ultra them days. And the days when my sagat and your blanka was 6-4 you. Ever since then however, GG's, come back, you're not OG, f*ck that retired sh*t, jump on the wave.
  13. You're as good as your confidence goes. Those are your bollox. You don't even have to buss heads, you just have to have that swagger. That general evilness with your character, exploit victories by all costs, BISON!!!!
  14. Of course. Like every other non-english non caucasian guy in the community. BOSS characters only.
  15. Everyones different and 9/10 EVERYONE SAYS THE SAME sh*t. I understand this, I can do that but when sh*t hits the fan, you DON'T.Max punishment, punishing whiffs, general PUNISHES (word is to sick) baiting the characters BAITEST CHOICE (you can do it to online Ken's that's because guess what taboo word coming up, you know the 'matchup'. These are all like little things. Unless by death stars and another universe I've seen none of these qualities in like 90% of the people I've played. You need to understand how to either rape the opponents thought process, rob them of their next move, best them in every respect or freestyle the whole time. Not everyone goes the 'play it till I get bare sick' route, when you understand what's going on, puzzles, coins, rain drops.
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