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Posts posted by Raegus

  1. When I graduated from Cambridge my old lecturer did all the paperwork and got me on a GTP program; my career has now started even though I'm still studying to be able to do it, lol. As far as I know every one else on my course has been hooked up like this to cushy jobs in the sector they wanted to go into. Somehow I don't think the same thing happens at London met.


    Not sure what you're trying to say.

    Basically that you didn't go to Cambridge.

    Oh, I thought so but wasn't sure. Okay.

    Explain to me how your course went, and how it was assessed.

    I honestly don't feel any way about you believing me or not lol. Feel free to ask specifics about the course; I'll answer.

    I just did bro.

    Breakdown the t _ _ _ _ s on your course

    a true Tab will fill in the missing letters



    phase one passed



    JCR president during Easter term



    I don't know.

  2. When I graduated from Cambridge my old lecturer did all the paperwork and got me on a GTP program; my career has now started even though I'm still studying to be able to do it, lol. As far as I know every one else on my course has been hooked up like this to cushy jobs in the sector they wanted to go into. Somehow I don't think the same thing happens at London met.


    Not sure what you're trying to say.

    Basically that you didn't go to Cambridge.

    Oh, I thought so but wasn't sure. Okay.

    Explain to me how your course went, and how it was assessed.

    I honestly don't feel any way about you believing me or not lol. Feel free to ask specifics about the course; I'll answer.

    I just did bro.

    Breakdown the t _ _ _ _ s on your course

    a true Tab will fill in the missing letters



  3. You still remember that? That was about four years ago lol.

    You are the only person who I have had a disagreement with on here who would actually call me up and speak instead of hide behind the computer to try and get LOL's from a bunch of other nerds. Oh also Rsonist but that was more of a spurs/arsenal banter ting.

    That's the internet for you.

  4. When I graduated from Cambridge my old lecturer did all the paperwork and got me on a GTP program; my career has now started even though I'm still studying to be able to do it, lol. As far as I know every one else on my course has been hooked up like this to cushy jobs in the sector they wanted to go into. Somehow I don't think the same thing happens at London met.


    Not sure what you're trying to say.

    Basically that you didn't go to Cambridge.

    Oh, I thought so but wasn't sure. Okay.

    Explain to me how your course went, and how it was assessed.

    I honestly don't feel any way about you believing me or not lol. Feel free to ask specifics about the course; I'll answer.

  5. When I graduated from Cambridge my old lecturer did all the paperwork and got me on a GTP program; my career has now started even though I'm still studying to be able to do it, lol. As far as I know every one else on my course has been hooked up like this to cushy jobs in the sector they wanted to go into. Somehow I don't think the same thing happens at London met.


    Not sure what you're trying to say.

    Basically that you didn't go to Cambridge.

    Oh, I thought so but wasn't sure. Okay.

  6. If it was really safe to be used like that the corporation that created it would have already been selling it to be used like that. Sometimes people forget we live in an age where profit > all.

  7. When I graduated from Cambridge my old lecturer did all the paperwork and got me on a GTP program; my career has now started even though I'm still studying to be able to do it, lol. As far as I know every one else on my course has been hooked up like this to cushy jobs in the sector they wanted to go into. Somehow I don't think the same thing happens at London met.


    Not sure what you're trying to say.

    Oh so your Dr doom all that come down shorditch talk makes sense now NONCE lol

    I don't like your tone bro.

  8. When I graduated from Cambridge my old lecturer did all the paperwork and got me on a GTP program; my career has now started even though I'm still studying to be able to do it, lol. As far as I know every one else on my course has been hooked up like this to cushy jobs in the sector they wanted to go into. Somehow I don't think the same thing happens at London met.

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