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Everything posted by Raegus

  1. Swear Diddy did this already? Get outta here.
  2. Raegus


    Prison jumpsuit
  3. Raegus

    Your kids

    Make sure you teach them about all the ancient African civilisations.
  4. Raegus

    Devil Music

    Pray to me.
  5. Raegus

    Devil Music

    You should be looking at me as some sort of internet prophet considering the Bible is the biggest load of fraff known to man.
  6. And what do you think would happen if prison became legit slavery? A "war on drugs" type deal.
  7. Raegus

    Devil Music

    God doesn't exist, renders all this invalid.
  8. What do you think prison is? And somebody really negged me for saying putting a 5 year old girl in a wheelchair is f*cked? p*ssy.
  9. I think it was Cuba. But yeah I'm guessing he's one of those near-white Hispanics who are extra racist to try and hide the fact they're not white.
  10. Her life is ruined forever they did kill her really.
  11. How exactly is that the real question? If they're worth $500M that means they could sell what they have and have $500M. Letting your money sit in the bank is about the worst thing you could do. Much better to invest in say, gold or diamonds.
  12. Immature girl likes guy, lies and says she's on the pill, gets pregant, dude wants to move on with his life and forget about a childhood mistake, girl gets pissed and keeps him hooked to the p*ssy, she then attacks him scratching up his neck, goes home and damages her face, now she's pressing charges and trying to get the dude put in prison.
  13. I didn't know the dude and when I first heard about this I was on your side. Then as you kept talking you I realised he is in the right and you are in the wrong. I'm not convinced you didn't do that to your own face.
  14. You realise he's just a random dude on the internet to us and the father of your child to you right?
  15. I guess this is why black youths accounted for most of the rioters.
  16. So you're projecting your unemployment on others? Okay, proceed.
  17. What is it you do for a living? Only time I've seen you talk about real life is when you're offering to meet up and fight people because of Vip2 disputes.
  18. Of course he read every page he just knew his opinion wouldn't be valued but still wanted to interact with posters in the thead so left a post that he felt would get attention. Which it has.
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