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Everything posted by postitnotes

  1. From the Hebrew name שְׁמוּאֵל which could mean either "name of God" or "God has heard".Apparently.
  2. I'm talking about drugs, rudeboy. streets doesn't know.is that uffie in your sig?
  3. As was the word 'instants'.It's spelt 'instance'. what's 'new wave' got to do with anything.
  4. lol the ouiji board was the worst, lol at the camera moving thing, bait wallace and gromit manouveres.
  5. some of that sh*t was seriously wack, but truesay i was too shook to watch the last clip.
  6. snap - thought i could get somewhere, but without qualifications under your belt it's nothing but glass ceilings.. so yea access course in september then uni..
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