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Skenghis Khan

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Posts posted by Skenghis Khan

  1. probably alistair mcalpine. he and derek laud were outed at the time in scallywag magazine before it got shut down, which was like a more roughneck version of private eye.

    wish they had the bollocks to name these cunts, they could sack clarkson and spend the 5 mill of license payers money on legal representation and damages if necessary.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Still no black people involved

    Guess what happened today?

    Iain Overton ‏@iainoverton

    If all goes well we've got a Newsnight out tonight about a very senior political figure who is a paedophile.

    Then the story obviously got 'got'

    "@georgeeaton: I've been told that tonight's Newsnight will not name the "senior political figure" accused of being a paedophile."

    Who is the alleged political figure


    Laud is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.

    The list of Tory friends with whom he is known to go on holiday and socialise with includes Lord McAlpine, Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.

    Those last three names are important very well known tory ministers and one of them especially known for their taste for something a little younger

    It's alleged that Laud used his company to organise 'parties' for parliamentarians using kids from welsh children's homes google 'North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal' which was a cover up from start to end. This sh*t goes deep into our society. At this point it's looking like every children's home from the 1960's to late 90's was basically a youth brothel for the rich and powerful to come and f*ck kids.

    It's actually f*ck*ng scary how it has infected it on nearly every level. And people were happy to turn a blind eye.

    Someone said to me this week when the stuff that David Icke has reported on for years seems to be on the money and has filtered into the mainstream consciousness it's time to sh*t yourself.

    good post, we've had years of cover ups with this kind of thing, welsh care home scandal, haute de la garrene, blair whacking d-notices on police investigations into nonce rings. The establishment must be rife with noncery.

    although i think the "very senior political figure" may actually be ken clarke, anyway whoever it is, has said they will sue if named.

    • Upvote 1
  3. i strongly advise against squatting with the smith machine skola.

    i take it you just sprained the acl, I dont know much about knee injuries but i know a powerlifter who actually tore his acl, and ive seen him squat 250+, i can ask him about it if you want.

    you should do some research on rehabbing the acl.

    but as you've had no problems with training since the injury, i think its most likely that you have some issues with your squat form which are coming out as you move up in weight. i think its quite likely that you may be doing one of the following:

    a) your knees are caving inwards.

    b ) you're falling forward and hinging the squat, the weight is shifting onto the front of your foot and your knees are coming way out in front of your feet.

    these are both common issues with form in the squat and can cause discomfort in a healthy knee let a alone one coming back from a relatively recent injury. Don't be afraid of reducing the weight as much as you have to until your completely happy with your squat.

    If your knees are caving:

    a) make sure your squatting with a foot position that is comfortable and natural. This is different for everyone, but will most likely be approx 1.5 shoulder width with toes turned out at somewhere around 30 degrees. As a guide you can stand with your feet a little more than shoulder width apart and, without thinking to much about it, dip as if you're about to jump into the air as high as you can. Instead of actually jumping look down at the position your feet have naturally adopted.

    b ) focus on pushing your knees outward throughout the movement, especially as you come up out of the hole. There are some specific exercises you can do involving jumpstretch bands if knee caving is a major issue for you, but for most just focusing on keeping the knees pushed out is enough.

    Falling forward is very common, most people fall forward when the weight gets heavy. here are some form pointers you should consider to avoid falling forward:

    -your head should be in a neutral position or slightly looking up, focus your eyes on a point in front of you and keep them fixed on this point throughout the squat, if your squat rack is in front of a mirror avoid the temptation of watching yourself squat, either make a mark on the mirror to focus on or face the other way.

    -push your neck into the bar, imagine your wearing a baseball cap backwards and your trying to push the peak into your traps

    -squeeze your shoulder blades together tight, arch your lower back, and push your abs out. everything under the bar should be tight and contracted.

    -the descent should begin by pushing your glutes out, the squat should be a sitting motion rather than a knee bend. so begin by pushing your arse back like you would if your were about to sit down rather than just breaking at the knee. Sit back into the squat throughout the descent, this will keep the weight on your heels.

    -stay tight as you reach depth, dont relax in the hole

    -keep your chest up throughout the entire movement, especially as you come up out the whole, some like to imagine their body is being pulled up by a string attached to their chest. dig your heels in and drive your hips up during the ascent.

    keeping form in check is a constant battle that is never won. You might develop picture perfect form at a certain weight but as you progress and add weight to the bar and it starts to feel heavy the same old breakdowns in form will re-emerge. There are a couple of ways to combat this:

    a) Try to squat exactly the same way every time, how you approach the bar, the set up, your grip, it should become a ritual and be the same whether you're warming up with an empty bar or attempting a new PR. Never perform a complacent squat, i see people all the time doing sloppy reps with weights they are comfortable with but they are reinforcing bad habits that will become apparent when the weight gets heavy. It takes thousands of repetitions for a motor pattern to become 2nd nature, take each squat seriously and make doing it right a habit. This is what pro athletes mean when they talk about wanting to 'execute', they dont want to think about doing it they just want all that training to kick in and carry them through. There aint a lot going on between the ears when attempting a heavy squat you just want that muscle memory to take over.

    verbal cues can help as well, if someone shouts "chest up" as you come up out the hole you will likely do as your told.

    b ) strengthen weak points.

    most people have weak hamstrings and glutes, when things get heavy the body tries to shift the weight forward so the quadriceps take on most of the work, however this usually results in the squatter falling forward. you need to strengthen the hams and glutes, best way to do this is with GHR's (unfortunately not many gyms have this very useful apparatus) romanians or goodmornings, make sure you perform these with good form.

    weak upper back can also cause people to fall forward, theres a ton of exercises that help thicken the upper back, rows, cleans, face pulls etc etc.

    turned into a very long post, hopefully of some use to yourself and others.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 400 kg on di leg press

    u dam u sick u thick

    whats your squat mate?

    last sunday 200 kg about 3x5

    however this was on di smith machine, my gym aint gotta squat rack

    full squat though (bum on bench)

    try it with a barbell you will get folded in half. get yourself to a gym with a rack asap.

    also full squat is hip below knee not sitting on a bench.

  5. there's no sodium nitrate (or any other chemical curing agents) in that bacon bro.

    there's plain old sodium from sea salt, but there's nothing wrong with that, it actually possess some benefits for those who are weight training.

    also, keep in mind im in the gym getting as strong as possible and not cos i want to prance about posing in homo wank mags, so i dont cry like a girl the prospect of consuming calorific foods, sodium or sat fats.

    • Upvote 4
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  6. around £80. thats the animal, slaughter and butchery all in. i got a good mix of bacon, chops, roasting joints and there's sausages and black pudding on the way also got a ham im going to take back home for christmas.

    That aint the going rate tho i get a good deal. The farmer just raises a small number of old breeds in his orchard, he's actually a dairy farmer by trade. The quality of the meat though is exceptional, its like no pork youve tasted, eating anything from a supermarket or even most butchers is no longer acceptable to me, tasteless cardboard by comparison. The secret of good pork is a good covering of fat, the old breeds have a lot more cos they breed and feed the new breeds to be lean.

    when i picked it up tho geezer says will you be wanting the head? and he had the head in a big bag.

    • Downvote 1
  7. dont even care bout him

    im just waiting for some high profile suprise

    like a former MP or something

    or a current mp perhaps *cough*ken clarke*cough* or a former PM like ted heath.

    an mp called tom watson raised the possibilty of a paedo ring connected to number 10 in pmq's the other day. basically an aide to a former pm was named as part nonce gang in a piece of evidence relating to the conviction of a peado called peter righton back in 92.

    this thing could be quite big if what certain people say has any truth to it and this goes all the way.

    • Upvote 2
  8. mind-muscle connection.

    toning/shaping exercise

    clean bulk

    taxing the cns/my cns is burnt out

    functional workout

    kettle bells

    "deadlifts are bad for your back/ squats are bad for your knees"


    'how many sets u got bro?'

    "all you"

    'i used to bench xkilos, im just getting back into it'


    add yours.

  9. police are now investigating others including 'figures of high standing', wonder if they will finally expose the arch nonce ted heath. f*ck the bbc we need to be hearing about how cosy savile was with thatcher and her govt, and why he was given the keys to broadmoor and allowed to nonce with impunity. Bet there are a few politicians/judges/royals/famous folk who are on some dark sh*t.

    my auntie's husband used to always go on about how the krays were pimping children to wronguns in the establishment.

    • Upvote 1
  10. [media=]


    thats a video of a patient in india who probably contracted roundworm from drinking contaminated water. type in acute intestinal obstruction by roundworms to see the original video.

    the corpse looking guy at the start of the vid wouldnt need to resort to sensationalism and outright deception if there was any scientific basis to what he's saying.

    op: feel free to follow whatever barmy diets you want to, but please keep your dubious health advice to yourself.

    i eat somewhere in the region of 5000 kcals a day, meat, dairy and grains make up much of my daily intake. I have not been ill in over 5 years, no colds, no flu, nada.

    My morning piss is usually foamy as f*ck tho, somewhat resembles a poorly pulled pint so maybe thats why :rolleyes:

    • Upvote 1
  11. do people have an arms day or do u do them at the same time as something else? i'm thinking about doing bis and tris one day a week, but i can't seem to fit them in without them still aching when it comes to working something like my back/chest.

    when i had loads of free time and basically lived in the gym, i used to have kind of an arms day, i did other stuff but as well but a lot of arm mostly. I cant justify that anymore its not a practical use of my time. I just tack some curls on whenever i feel like nowadays and tbh its made virtually no difference.

    im a big fan of chucking in bicep work after the triceps are fatigued/pumped. also if youve been doing everything strict, start cheating, if youve been using a lot of body english get strict. And keep alternating as appropriate.

    and the best cure for doms is more work so dont be a p*ssy.

    I've never been a fan of that whole body stuff. Not a believer that you can go hard enough if your only doing 1 or 2 exercises per body part. Also think it would be hell running round the gym trying to use everything. Has anyone here done full body workouts and got good results from it?

    depends on the exercises doesnt it, I think a whole body routine orientated around the big compound movements is a much better option for beginners. For instance Starting strength is a whole body routine, each workout consists of only 3 different movements but beginners make far better progress on this than doing a body part split consisting of 3x8 on a ton of different isolation movements. And by beginner i mean anyone who is not yet able to at least benchpress their bw, squat 1.5x bw and deadlift 2x bw.

    personally i divide the body in two, upper and lower. but really the emphasis is on the lifts, so on bench day i focus on exercises that are going to bring up the bench, obv chest and tricep movements feature heavily but i also do rows and upper back work because they assist the bench press.

  12. some cleverd*ck gone and wiped the mirror in front of my favourite rack, i hate mirrors in front of racks but this one was so filthy it no longer functioned as such, it had this one fleck of blood that i used to focus on when squatting, someone had either been squatting very hard or picking their bacne. it was their for months but now its gone. I missed it today.

  13. as a punter and a doorman these guys are mostly a nuisance, getting themselves into altercations by being generally invasive, blocking the exit, switching off the hand dryer when someones using it, spraying guys in the crotch region etc.

    got to b one of the shittiest jobs tho, we had one guy who was alright older fella, saw a punter full on hock in the guys face cos he tried to stop him stealing his lollies.

    lol at their bars tho 'no splash, no gash'

    lol at the shakedown jack.

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