109$ progressive bounty knock out tourney... Got knocked out in such a fucked way but made some nice profit anyway
PokerStars Tournament #1519687799, No Limit Hold'emBuy-In: $50.00/$50.00/$9.00 USD2815 playersTotal Prize Pool: $281500.00 USD Tournament started 2016/04/03 19:15:00 WET [2016/04/03 14:15:00 ET]You finished the tournament in 125th place. A USD 209.91 award has been credited to your Real Money account.You have also received USD 410.15 in Knockout Bounties for this tournament. You won bounties for the following players: PKaiser, All Week NOR, pkuxj2000, 99AykA99, TUTI88, d2mnc, TheMuIIetmanCongratulations!Thank you for participating.