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stacksbranning last won the day on June 14

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  1. Ill piss on your mum dun . Behave yourself
  2. Someone tell me what Харьков, избиение пленных майдановцев means
  3. Campbells an idiot,and i disagree with him about the england captaincy but black players really dont get the respect they deserve ator . I mean look at uncle yaya . If he was born with the name steven or frank he would easily be classed as "the best midfielder of his generation" blah blah blah . Sturridge is another one who doesn't get no love .
  4. Cos these man like Stacks, Afroman, have the married to a Becky logic. Which is soooooo flawed, the reality is, Sol Campbell's book is not gonna sell to black people. So any questions he asks are really not going into a black domain for them to discuss... Replies are going to only come from his fellow white professionals, the retired and current black players won't say a damn thing. Campbell played the game, towed the line lik so many footballers, didnt solely let his country down and is still left asking questions... He might be salty, he might not, he might be doing it to sell a book, he has gassed it with the 10 years comment, but that aside he has a solid argument, takeaway race and isn't captaincy suppose to be earned? How did Beckham earn it more than Campbell? How is Rooney still getting this faith and plaudits? Regardless of who Campbell lays with at night he has the right to ask the questions and further more where the black footballers that didnt play the game, that dont lay with a white woman, asking ANY questions about anything?! Never knew sol campbell was married to a becky so leave me out of it . Tanks
  5. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjbf8etxLDw jamie just needs to low it
  6. Nas doesn't do good interviews though. He ain't that kinda guy guys always high or drunk
  7. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bhq_G_xCUAAy913.jpg:large
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