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  1. Septik

    Xbox 360 Gamertags

    L am Ziatan - can't remember if the first ones an i or L Still on 360 til new Halo comes out
  2. Running JellyBam Rom on Note 2. Home: Right: Left: Best thing about this Rom is you can change the DPI settings to make more use of the screen real estate. Eg: App drawer can fit way more icons than before: Chrome running in Tablet mode with tabbed browsing:
  3. Septik

    Xbox 360 Gamertags

    sd fdsds sd s Halo 4 is getting some coverage and you're back! Long time bro! lol I've made a new tag which I'm actually gonna keep forever GT: Smoothed Add for MW3
  4. Septik

    Xbox 360 Gamertags

    Danny Weibeck TLNCHY STRYDER
  5. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=609380797&player=HC%20Septik lol this games easier than halo 3 in ranked (arena)
  6. lol aint played this sh*t for months but i still got it
  7. hhhmmmm *contemplates returning to Halo*
  8. i swear they said swats getting its own playlist ? http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=28998
  9. Look who crawled out the f*ck*ng woodwork. Still selling profiles?? lol whos this? ye sold my last acct for $150 a few weeks ago, woulda got $300 if i sold it a couple months ago wont be on reach that much for a couple weeks give u lots a headstart
  10. Davicious wat are the multiplayer maps like?
  11. remake of that old Halo 2 map ivory tower looks f*cked, cant wait tbh / Lucarelli, For all your Halo Account levelling requirements please be sure to visit www.Haloupgrades.com
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