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Everything posted by Noob

  1. someone ban dis c*ntMe AnubisHuh? I do not get your thought. Also who is Gray Fox? Someone I don't know remembers me, which shows how great I am, 19 years old, haven't been on rwd in two years and Im still remembered. It is me.This Anubis
  2. Me ANubisBlack simon, what is serious about the equation you posted? This Anubis
  3. Me AnubisThis forum is obsessed with sex. So what if someone wants to give oral, just as long as the person they do it to have not been with people they know, then whats the problem?This Anubis
  4. Me AnubisHow many women have you had offsprings with?This Anubis
  5. Me AnubisFace Off, your attempt at attacking me is rather ridiculous as you do not know me (Looks down on this character who's trapped in the closet). I can not take you continuation of mentioning females this, females that, just keep it to yourself. Usually, an Alpha male who gets a lot of women tend to be quiet about it. A homosexual who does not want it to be exposed usually tends to only talk about women and nothing else. TBH, your diss made no sence, you caught on to the fact I am Anubis, but you have made a failure out of a diss, which could have be successful. Oh yes, you have spelt Egypt wrong.This Anubis
  6. Me AnubisThis does not sort out anything so noThis Anubis
  7. Noob

    FAO Thun

    Me AnubisYour ethicising too much on the war, less people who are unemployed, introduction of the minimum wage, taxing mega poluting cars, which are seriously dangerous on roads (4x4, they are more likely to kill someone than any other car), etc etc I could go on. Yes, the war is his downfall, which was mean't to have been his triumph. Troops, I blaim Gordon Brown, as he restricts what he'll pay for due to his decade + confrontation with Tony Blair. With the weapon thing, I doubt he was making WMDs, nor could he launch them from his home soil to Great Britain. But he had technology to make WMDs for close range targets. But the thing with America is that they were angry that Iraq and Iran want to trade using the euro, instead of the dollar.This Anubis
  8. Noob

    FAO Thun

    He aint lying for the interests of the country though.Going to Iraq was not for the good of our people and the same goes for Afghanistan.Blair has blood on his hands for sending out British troops to murder men, women and children and for the deaths of the British soldiers.You must understand that we put these people in power to serve us and be honest with us. We do not give them power to lie to us. For you to say its okay for politicians to lie is very worrying.Me AnubisUh the great wars of the 21st century. There are many reasons why I feel they went to war, but the UK and USA went to war for different reasons. Afghan was more legit than Iraq, as it was for Binladin. I see Tony Blair going through with that war the same reason why he went in that african country and stopped their civil war, but he wasn't ready for how radical the Afghans are. The Iraq war I am split with. I think they knew he had the capability to create certain weaponary (taking into account the Iran/Iraq war) and also the pleasure of more oil without drilling in Alaska is very promising. But the USAs own weaponary, which have a shelf life of a number of years before they become unstable (remembering they are very advance and spend a silly amount on defence), meaning they had to get rid of these in a way that they can say is legit. Its a shame about Tony Blair, he did improve the country, but in his quest to be a Prime Minister that is known in history for doing his country proud, he will now be known for disaterous wars at the beginning of the 21 century. Thun, just look at the Unide Kingdom we live in today, then research about how it used to be under Thatcher and Major, he has done alot for us, lying or not.This Anubis
  9. Noob

    FAO Thun

    Me AnubisTo be honest Thun, if you were in power and you had to lie for the interests of your country and citizens, you would do. People complain and wonder why Blair doesn't go after that african leader who kicks out white people, it would be the wrong move for him to do so. People only know about it due to white people being kicked out of that country. The facts remain that there are other african countries were dictators are kicking out people of a particular ethnicity, but not white people.This Anubis
  10. Noob

    FAO Thun

    When you disagree with something I post in the future how about you prove me wrong by debating me.You aint done that yet.Me AnubisIt will be my pleasure Thun, though I do fear you do not have the interlect to participate in a mature discussion with me without you biting my head off, though you may prove me wrong (hopes and praise that he doesn't get mad at me).This Anubis
  11. Noob

    FAO Thun

    Me AnubisWe live a better life while Blair is in control. Politicians do lie, but I have to say its usually for the better of the country. But that view is only on Great Britain, not the United States of America.This Anubis
  12. Me AnubisBob Sinclar's album is actually rather good.This Anubis
  13. Noob

    FAO Thun

    Me AnubisThun, my friend, you remind me of me when I was first on RWD, I knew I was great and always right, but I always backed up everything. I put this to you, for everything you mention on here, also research against your arguement just as hard as you hve to prove your point. This will make what you feel and think more legit. Also people calling people sheep, you are also sheep. If you are wondering why, your saying thee exact opposite as the people Thun is against.This Anubis
  14. whoop-di-f*ckin-dooInnit, who gives a f*ck. If anything you should know better than to use that lame Anubis thing in every post. Its not cool, its annoying. And you look even stupider having to edit posts because you forgot to sign out "This Anubis". Yeah, I noticed.Me AnubisHA, it's like I have mentally crippled you by using my tag.I say who I am at the beginning and the end, deal with it.This Anubis
  15. Me AnubisSay what?This Anubis
  16. Me AnubisOk then, I'm not sure if you lot will know who I am. Lets just say I've been on RWD in its early years.This Anubis
  17. Me AnubisMay I add that fathering a child before marriage is selfish.This Anubis
  18. Me AnubisI hated Disneys version of Peter Pan, there was another version of it which was good.This Anubis
  19. Me AnubishilariousThis Anubis
  20. Me AnubisBlack people make up funny names, but saying that, streetwise women in general make up horrific names. Try to write these names in Microsoft Word and it will be underlined with a red line.This Anubis
  21. Me AnubisLord of the underworld..........God Of death...........This Anubis
  22. Me AnubisSending? I do not have to send for someone who is inadequate at making a topic, which is not relevant to women, degrading women, proving how many women you have had, how many women you will have or being a fanny licking slave. It strikes me that you have to mention females constantly, like you are trying to prove you have a high sex drive, yet it is coming out that you are in the closet, which does justify your (seeming) obsession with women.This Anubis
  23. Me AnubisWhat is the point of this worthless equation???Also, that is the picture I use in my sig, I will have it back thankyou This Anubis
  24. Me AnubisFace Off, whilst I broused RWD I realised that you are not one with yourself.The emphasis you apply to your topics and the fact you always talk about females you have had intercourse with tell me you have something to prove.Are you not comfortable with your sexuality?This Anubis
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