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Mr. Snrub

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  1. Bruv, he remembered the BBQ sauce... :eyebrow:
  2. Why you eating KFC two days in a row?Your asking for belly ache.Bachelor life darling.Can you cook? I see you sporting your Jamaican colours in the Olympics Room. Maybe you can rig me up some Jamaican dishes sometime.
  3. It's not even that he guessed.Man KNEW what I wanted because I got the same thing yesterday and he served me but allow remembering it and then bringing it up and joking about it like we're bredrins.
  4. Went into KFC a while ago and I say...''Yeah can I have a...'' and before I even got to finish my sentence the man finishes it for me...''Mini Variety Meal with a leg and a BBQ sauce'' then starts grinning his Sri Lankan teeth in my boat like say me and him are size.I just walked out same way without any food, I must always be in there for him to memorize my meal like that.
  5. Cringed throughout her introduction and singing and when she celebrated I had to change the channel. My worst fear is impregnating a woman like her.
  6. So what if people didn't know Usain Bolt until a few weeks ago? Because you knew of him before others means you're more patriotic that they are?Get the f*ck out of here. Wouldn't be surprised if you and your parents were born in England with only your great great grandfather being quarter Jamaican.
  7. Remember it too.Aha, forgot all about Elephant Man being in it.
  8. f*ck off, what mixtape's that from?
  9. Lol, they recorded the screen with his video playing silly.No I mean I went straight too the original video made by Levinator and heard what Im pretty sure is the same voice*Shakes head*In EA's response they recorded the screen to show Levinator's video, so the audio you hear is the same audio from Levinator's video. That voice you hear isn't someone speaking from EA it's the the speakers from their computer.Silly billy.
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