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Everything posted by Kaypee

  1. he's dropping the "n" bomb on his twitter page. im not black so my opinion doesn't really count but i don't think non-black people should be tossing it round hes quoting a jay z lyric u dog eating cantonese slimeball ha, that made me laugh! im a fujianese slimeball doe. you monobrow-havin cousin-marryin wannabe-paki etc.
  2. you are implying there are women out there who arent influenced by there friends..?
  3. he's dropping the "n" bomb on his twitter page. im not black so my opinion doesn't really count but i don't think non-black people should be tossing it round
  4. Beat him up real bad put him in hospital cut him open. Police over there didn't care. Had to get flown back the next day. we should boycott the plate throwers shitty country. witnesses said they just stood round while the youngster was bleedin to death too. they want tourist money but dont give a fuck if tourists get stabbed or beaten up...
  5. Loool. / It's a shame, RIP. branning is a clown. will you be happy if it turns out he was murdered by black lads? a young boy has been killed for no reason. RIP
  6. i'm a spastic who quoted the wrong post.
  7. In a similar situation to this plus a few extra kids kids... ooh. one day. one day!
  8. In a similar situation to this plus a few extra kids
  9. Don't do it. Think of the P you could save nah its happening. we own a place together already - can afford somewhere much nicer than if we didnt team up. looking at about 6 bags for the wedding, nothing too fancy. id be happy with a registry office job and a piss up after but mrs wants a nice dress and a decent reception, its for her really so i dont mind. kids... ooh. one day. one day!
  10. still aint said how this is destroying society.
  11. how does it affect you? Really hate this type argument ,"if its not harming anyone whats it to you" . It cannot be good for society , what next clones ? dogs that can talk ? but how is it harming society/you? youd rather someone you don't know and will never meet a) got an operation and became the sex they want to be and lived happely or b ) stayed trapped in there body as the "wrong" sex and had a miserable life? if you really think sh*t like this is gonna influence any1 you're a dumbarse. no-on is gonna see this news story and think "ooh i might have an operation and become a woman, sounds like a laugh, i'll get into elements in Bedford on ladies night for free". from the dawn of time there have been people who have felt they were the wrong sex or in the wrong body, and nowadays there are the medical technikes to acheive that. do you really think theres gonna be a wave of sex-swap operations sweeping the country? what percentage of the popyulation do you think wants to do this? my guess is 0.0001%
  12. there are one or two muslims in africa you know.
  13. lol @ thinkin an aff parent wouldnt go mental at finding chisel in there kids room mumsy will be callin uncle ola in to do an exorcism on your ass get a job. you're not cut out for shotting if you cant even afford rent and a deposit on a room in a shared house.
  14. Don't do it. Think of the P you could save nah its happening. we own a place together already - can afford somewhere much nicer than if we didnt team up. looking at about 6 bags for the wedding, nothing too fancy. id be happy with a registry office job and a piss up after but mrs wants a nice dress and a decent reception, its for her really so i dont mind.
  15. too many polish and homegrown meatheads on the juice these days. some days I am tempted tho...
  16. six years+ with fiancee gettin married next summer
  17. will not watch yeah it was fucking horrible to even listen to.
  18. i live a sheltered life... what really surprised me was the way the whole slapping ting was right in front of the cameras. not a life i'd like any part of.
  19. fackin mental documentary thie Scouse breddah in Warrington is a debt collector at 18:44 watch as he slaps up two lads whove been selling steds in his gym - whacks a massive meathead in the face and demands they pay him £1,000. they take it and are clearly shitting themselves at 12:18 he talks about other debt collectors raping a gangster and photographing it to blackmail the gangster into paying up. one of the most disturbing things ive ever heard in my life brings home just how little i'd be built be for a criminal lifestyle. of course like all nutters this bloke starts crying at the drop of a hat. must see! http://www.vice.com/en_uk/rule-britannia/the-debt-collector-full-length
  20. haha, thats what i was thinking of too. my comment still stands, twice the hassle!
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